Advice for mid size folder - heavy duty use

Apr 10, 2000

I am looking for an extremely strong heavy duty folder, but can't find a manufacturer with what I want. I want something bigger than the MT mini UDT or Mini SOCOM, yet smaller in size than the MT L-UDT or SOCOM Elite. What knives fall into this category?

I want the blade to be STRONG, as, you may have read my previous post about my mini UDT tip breaking. I don't want this to happen again.

So, I would like some advice on some hard use knives.

Must be a one handed opener. Doesn't have to be auto, and I guess I would prefer manual action anyway. Once you guys give me some ideas, then I can start fine tuning on blade styles and handle materials, and so forth.


I have a Bob Dozier DK-TD, and it's built like a tank.


Dozier's knives have a reputation for being very hard work knifes.

Something more in your size would be the Tab-Stop I:


or the Trapper II:

These are customs, right?

I also should have said that I only want to pay between $100 and $150 for it.

Any more suggestions?

How bout the Mini Buck/Strider spearpoint.
You should be able to pick up one with ATS-34 blade for less than $100.
If you search you might even find a used one with BG-42 blade for the same price.
A Greco folder might fit the bill. Those folders are the closest things I've seen to a fixed blade in a while. Also, the blade is thick enough that you won't worry about breaking it. Costs around $130 or so.
For a low dollar approch for a heavy duty work knife look at the Cold Steel Voyager line. Lota bang for the buck in small to huge blade length. :D
A mini-Buck/Strider would seem to fit what you need well,I have a full size one and it is built like a tank. You also might want to check out an Al Mar SERE, probably a bit larger than what you were thinking about.
I'd say go for either the Greco models or the Buck/Strider. The only bad thing about the Greco's is that the Birds of Prey don't have pocket clips and that they are very heavy. However, they sharpen very easily and the lock is next to indestructable.
Tip breakage – hmm, are you sure you are not confusing heavy duty and improper use? It is possible to break a tip of practically each sensible knife, including heavy duty pieces, using it as prybar...
I vote for a Greco folder!! I have the Griffen and I would have to say, although not as smooth as some, its built stronger than any other folder I ever handled, Even the Strider Sng :eek: For Brute force, I don't think there is anything quite like it
Benchmade's 710HS is a super-strong tank just like Mama used to make, except with an axis lock. You can find them online for around $120.
A Benchmade 556 Mini-Griptillian (3" blade, Axis lock folder) wouldn't be a bad choice, I know a few places where you could pick them up for around $50 US, you could also take a trip to Ashes' store and probably pick one up since your in PA.

A Emerson Mini-CQC would probably also fit the bill.

For autos a Benchmade Mini-reflex or a BM Mini-Stryker (Auto or normal) or a Microtech UDT (about a 2.75" blade) I hate to plug but PVK has all the autos I mentioned.
I'm going to go way off the "beaten path" and suggest a CRKT medium Crawford/Kasper FF. For the $100-$150 price-range, you should be able to buy 3 of 'em and have a couple as spares.
How about a Spyderco Native II?

All steel construction, strong blade-tip design, AUS-10 blade steel, thumbhole, and costs less than $100.00.

Good luck,
Originally posted by Lundo

I am looking for an extremely strong heavy duty folder, but can't find a manufacturer with what I want. I want something bigger than the MT mini UDT or Mini SOCOM, yet smaller in size than the MT L-UDT or SOCOM Elite. What knives fall into this category?

Well, let's see. According to Microtech's web site, the UDT is 6.42" overall with a 2.73" blade length. The L-UDT is 8.03" overall with a 3.42" blade length.

You may want to handle the Buck Strider or Greco before you buy. Although they are great knives, they might be a bit too "different" from your UDT.

I would look at Spyderco or Benchmade. The Benchmade 720 fits the size requirement, has a great lock, and looks to have a bit more sturdy tip than your UDT. Or, take a look at the Spyderco Native.

Also, I would recommend trying to get your UDT repaired. Try sending it back to Microtech - it's worth a shot.

-- Rob
The strongest, (for blade thickness and lock strength), small to mid-sized folder I've ever held is the discontinued SOG "Sting Ray" lockback. WAY overbuilt for a folder it's size. If you can find one, you won't believe it! I still have one I bought back around 1986 and I'm always amazed at what a tank it is for it's size. People never bring up lockbacks when they talk about lock strength because lockbacks are generally not for "one hand" opening, (though they can be with practice). Yeah, I know the blade is only AUS-6 but A6 is a good all-around steel.