Al Mar SERE 2000, Spyderco Military, or Benchmade 710

Jan 4, 2003

What is the best PE knife out of the three. Are the size of the knives similar? I am looking for a full size tactical folder. Any reviews or suggestions?
Searches here on bladeforums should turn up oodles of information.

All three knives are three of the best and most respected production tactical folders available.

I have an Al Mar SERE 2000 and a BM 710. I do not have a Military.

The AM S2K is perhaps the most rugged and finely finished production liner lock on the market. I love mine and I frequently carry it as an EDC. (Refer to the numerous posts for more detailed information, as I have contributed to these discussions countless times.)

The BM 710-- with M2 steel and combo edge-- is my main carry piece. It is as reliable, durable, and practical as a 4" blade gets. I use mine almost every day, and I haven't sharpened it yet. And I have had it since the spring of 2001.

I don't own the spydie Military, and I haven't even handled it before. But it looks like a great knife, and it has received an endless amount of praise here on the forums.

I don't believe you can go wrong with any of these three models.
I have owned both but and this is strictly my preferance, I think the S2K is the finest prod. folder out there bar none. It has the BEST fit and finish of any prod. knife I have ever owned or will probably own. It has that highly polished tight fit custom look about it. Nice blade shape that can be both utilitarian and defensive without being to offensive to non knife people. It is very robust in design also. The steel takes and holds an excellant edge. It sits deep in the pocket for a discreet carry. Makes it a bit harder to withdraw but I don't really concern myself with that aspect of the knife.

The 710 is a very fine knife but and this again is only my personal observation. It sits a little higher on the outside of the pocket so it isn't as discreet. It is a larger bladed knife than the Al Mar. It has a recurved edge which makes it a bit harder to sharpen but the M2 steel would be on a par I believe with the VG10 used in the S2K. It has an axis lock that makes it abit more reliable than a liner lock other than the S2K. The S2k and a CS Pro Lite I have are the BEST liner locks I have ever owned.

Either knife will suit your intended purposes just fine with I think the Al Mar being a bit more friendly to non knife people. If I had to pick one and one only I would pick the S2K just because it has a bit more utilitrian type of blade and I think it is a prod. folder that has custom written all over it. Keep'em sharp
I also own both an Al Mar SERE 2000 and Benchmade 710. The finish and smooth operation of the Al Mar is truly incredible. I have never had to sharpen the SERE, as it doesn't actually get used too often. I do feel that the edge of the SERE blade might be a bit too fragile. It just seems to have too fine of edge. In fact, the knife was "tested" a while back in Blade Magazine, and sure enough, the edge chipped.

The Benchmade is also fabulous, but the finish is not as nice as the Al Mar. My 710 came to me, new, with a horrible dull edge. I was really surprised. However, rather than send it back I just sharpened up myself. It is nice now.

Of the two, I would choose the Al Mar over the 710. However, it would be a close contest. You would not go wrong with either one.
Tough call. I've owned/used each of them and each one has different positives. The Milli is a great slicer and carries wonderfully for a large knife. The 710 is a heavy duty cutter and has a strong lock. The Sere has a classy appearance and a buttery smooth action. You could buy'em all like I did. BTW, don't forget to throw the MT SOCOM into the mix - you won't be sorry!
I have a 710 and a Military, between the two I'd go with the 710. Feels better in the hand, more elegant profile, more compact package, stronger lock, and a recurve that really cuts! Military has a better grind for slicing, but that's about it.
All three of these knives are tops in production folders. All three would serve you well.

If I were considering a military I would wait. This years version will have S30V steel. I would wait for these S30V military's.

Between the SERE and the 710, touch call. I would probably go with the SERE. As stated above the S2K is one awesome production knife. Built like a tank.
I have one of each 3 in my personal collection and I would lean more to the Al Mar SERE 2000. It has the best fit and finish of the 3 that I have and it's just a rock solid knife. The only other consideration I can think of would be the Axis Lock on the 710 and that would be a personal decision that you will have to make. Personally, for my typical knife use, I would pick the SERE.
Good Luck with your decision!
Between the S2K and the 710, I would probably slightly favor the S2K. It's, IMHO, about the strongest production folder out there. It is extremely comfortable in a "white-knuckle" grip situation. The liner lock is incredibly solid and strong. You also would not go wrong with the 710.

The Military in an excellent slicer, but is not in the same heavy-duty class as the above two.
The SERE 2000 and BM 710 are my two favorite EDC'S. Form, function, and strength in both. Not too much more to add to what's already been said about either knife. You can't go wrong with these. geegee
I am interested in 3 knives so far.

Al Mar SERE 2000
Benchmade 710HS
Spyderco Police in CF.

All have good steel. Quality, Sharp, and Ergos. But the AXIS lock is very atractive. But the CF Police is so sexy. SERE 2000 is superior in fit and finish.

Damn i wish i were rich.

Have you looked at the Benchmade 806D2? It has an Axis lock, and a handle and steel that can't be beat. Downsides: It has black coating on the blade that will look scratched up after some use, and it's a bit longer to carry than the 710. But it feels much more secure in my hand than the 710. A real winner!

The SERE 2000 is a fantastic knife, but a bit slow to get out of your pocket as it rides so deep.

I've owned two and a half of the above, (don't own a 710, but I currently carry an 806 Axis as my EDC)

I've actually owned three Al-Mars SERE's, and traded 'em all off. Guess they were kinda boring. All they did was cut like mad...:D
it really had nuthin' wrong with it, other than the fact that it wasn't very quickly accessible, as it rode so deeply in the pocket. Gotta remember, it's a trade off though. Get one that rides higher and is more accessible it may be more prone to loss and becoming an object of other persons insecurities. It was really VERY VERY smooth, sharp,rugged, and one heck of an EDC.

Had a Spyderco Military. Biggest thing going for it was the huge opening hole, and it was so incredibly well mannered for a large knife. It could do smaller more finite jobs incredibly well, was light, and handy to carry, also cut like mad on carpet, insulation, cardboard and so forth. Downfalls were that I thought the CPM 440 V was too darn brittle for my tastes, although sharpening was never a big deal. Didn't trust the lack of metal liners at the time, although now, I would. Also rode quite high in the pocket.

my 806 is a damn nice knife that has very decent manners, cuts well, and operates smoothly. Downfalls are that I find it to be a pain to sharpen, and I don't much go for the smooth edge. Like the toothier VG-10 better. The Axis Lock is very cool, my only complaint is that it puts more moving parts, springs, and gadgets in the knife to let me down some time when I'm a couple hundred miles in the middle of the boonies. Guess it's kinda a trust issue. I don't feel liner locks are as strong overall, but I do like the simplicity of them.

I'd be darn glad to have the SERE or the Military brought back into my EDC rotation. If yer lookin' for a bona-fide answer though, I think the SERE is the best culmination of all the qualities I'd be lookin' for.

I've now vowed that if another SERE comes my way I will NOT trade it off, no matter how bored I get with my toys...:D
Thanxs for all the replies. I think i am leaning towards the SERE 2000. I have a spyderco and buck i use for EDC and for cutting. The Sere 2000 is what i will use to got camping, hunting, and fishing. I am going to see of i can order one from
I think they're all great knives, so you can't go wrong with any of them.
Maybe you should consider the weight factor:

The Military is 4oz.
The 710 is 4.5oz.
The Sere 2000 is 5.8oz.

While none of the three could be called light-weights, the Sere is a fairly heavy knife for a EDC.

I would vote the 710 between those three, because of the Axis-lock and the dual liners.

Good luck,

edited because I just read the last post and learned that it will not be a EDC.
Originally posted by allenC
I think they're all great knives, so you can't go wrong with any of them.
Maybe you should consider the weight factor:

The Military is 4oz.
The 710 is 4.5oz.
The Sere 2000 is 5.8oz.

All that extra weight, and the only thing it has going for it is the VG10 blade, albeit THAT is shorter than the 710 (and Military?).


I have much experience with the Military and the 710, little experience with the SERE.

My opinion:
Combination of stain resistance and edge holding: SERE (VG10).
Best pure edge holding: 710 (if you get the M2 version; however, almost zero corrosion resistance, if that much).
The S60V (440V) of the Military is ... well, let's just say I hate 440V, and avoid it like the plague in any future knife purchases. Based on my limited experience with S30V, though, if Spyderco goes to that in the Military this year, I'll be making yet another Military purchase.

Combination utility and defense: 710, good length and profile, good slicer, good poker, good length. SERE is an also ran, but gives up length to the 710 and the Military, and likely slicing ability to the 710. Goes without saying the Military will outslice it, even handicapped with the 440V blade steel.
Utility only:/u] Military. The shape of the Military's blade is just about perfect for utilitarian use.

Handle: (very personal issue)
710 for me. Military is too thin, and the SERE just didn't do anything for me. Little enough that after fondling the SERE at two different knife shows, I wrote the SERE off my list of "to buys."

Lock: 710, bar none. The Military can at least overcome some of my reluctance to use a liner lock due to its overall design. SERE? Once again, a check in the "con" column against the SERE.

Which would I recommend buying? Military (in S30V) or 710. The VG10 of the SERE is great, but doesn't overcome the SERE's other shortcomings (since most of the reasons others quote for buying the SERE matter little to me). But hey, the bottom line is any knife of these three will be a great knife for the uses you mention. I just am able to personally say that I have pretty well abused my Military and my axis locks (the axis locks have done things others seem to think are pretty hard on fixed blades), and they have not let me down.