Anybody Tried

Aug 29, 2002
a knife kit? Anybody ever made a knife from a kit? I have allot more time on my hands since I was injured at work and I dont have acess to a shop but do have a workbench,vise,belt/disc sander scroll saw and a few other machines and was wondering if these kits were a good thing or a waste of time.They have enough finished for you that I could finish the rest with what I have. Any feedback or pictures would be appreciated.Thanks........R
A lot of the guys here would know more than me but try knifekits . They seem to have a good range of kits. I have ordered a Darrel Ralph designed Balisong and have heard great things about them.

The majority of the kits can be put together with a minimum of tools, I'm talking like a set of torx bits, a pair of pliers, and some glue and G-clamps. Your machinery would be more than enough to get you through every kit I've ever seen.

Some are dodgy though, best do some research before buying but you can save a lot of money. There are also some auto kits out there (thanks J-man!) try these Mikov and
Thanks for the links.I did order some ydex and some rivots from knife kits but want more feed back on the kits first.Thanks...........R