Anyone placing an order to Delta-Z...

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Jan 31, 1999
For the sake of peace at home, now is not a good time for me to be putting any "frivolous" expenses on our credit cards. If someone is sending an order to DeltaZ and is willing to do me a favor...pick up one of the small linerlocks with the bone handle ($20). I will then pay you the price + shipping to ship it to me separately.

I'm good for the money, it's just that I don't want to put it on the card, since my accountant (Mrs. RH) is getting testy about the card balance. I have done several trades here, if anyone wants to check me out.
Ahhhh, the sign of a true knifeknut.... deceiving the Mrs. :p

I wish I could help you out, but I've got no order going to Barney.
Sorry Bro, I would gladly hook you up, but I placed my order yesterday and I got to find a way to hide this expense myself. Its getting harder and harder to convince her that all these knives are from trades:D

(Edited to add) If you have paypal I can use my PayPal debit card to order it and have it sent directly to you.
I just placed an order for an Osprey this afternoon from work. Will check out Delta Z in about 30 minutes; if I find something else I like, I'll also order yours & post back here.
RH - I picked up some liner lock folders from Delta Z & bought an extra DZ-6102-HC; 2.7" Blade; no pocket clip; 3.9" Cow Horn Handle; 40% serrated; $19.90. No Ox Horn or Stag Horn available in liner locks that I noticed. If interested, e-mail me: