Anyone Want to Talk.....

Geez, all you have to do is start asking questions and I'll probably answer them.

Not often this will happen
When is the Knife with no name to be named?Any hints of what is to come from SRKW?
Originally posted by TCRooster
Does the offer have to do with a new design, or a prototype?

I'm here, I was working a couple of other forums.

The Special offer is a knife you have seen before on this forum.

Originally posted by LizardKing
so what's the special offer?

Can you make inbred Rat fighters?

No inbred fighters.... that just doesn't sound right. :D:D

The offer is a very limited offer, once(hopefully only once) in a lifetime.

Let's just say there was an error at the shop and because of that a few people are going to be very happy.

Our error is your gain :D:D
Originally posted by TCRooster
The SpecOps?!!!


The whole deal won't be released for a while.

Best if you can ask Yes or No questions and I'll answer them if I can. :D:D

How was Florida? :D
Originally posted by TCRooster
Tell us!

I'm a SwampRat wannabe, and this may push me into finally getting one!

I can't tell you the whole thing except to say if I was a wannabe, this would push me into a "gotta have" ;):D:D

It won't be too expensive and as I said before it won't ever happen again. Well, it better not or someone will probably be out a job ;):D:D