Assisted openers and dirt

Mar 7, 2000
how do these mechanisms handle the grit, dirt and detritus of use in the outdoors in dusty, grimy and nasty circumstances?

that new DDR/ camillus looks sweeeeeeeeeet....
Well I can't say I've really abused mine like digging a fox hole with them but I did pick up my Kershaw Whirlwind last night to carry it for a few days and noticed how filthy it was :eek:. I've had this knife for at least 3 years and never taken it apart for a cleaning. It was my EDC for a long time and has seen a lot of use. The speed safe still works like the day I bought it. The liner is a little worn but other than that it's good to go!
I bought a used kershaw scallion and it wa filty. I think it was used to gut fish. Anyway, i totally took it apart and cleaned everything. It worked smooth for a bout ten minutes of openings. Smooth meaning it took no assistance on the part of me to make the blade lock up. after that it would stick halfway out and would require a small assistance on the part of my wrist to lockup. I dont knoow the history of this knife but as it is used, i think this was to be expected. Bought brand new probably woulnt have any problems.