BC La Griffe Order (OT)

Nov 7, 2001
Ya, I know it is off topic, a bit. I am contemplating ordering a La Griffe from one of the discount places in the US. The thing is, it seems like such a waste to spend the shipping and handling on a couple of ounces of metal. I was wondering if any of y'all from Vancouver might be interested in ganging together a slightly bigger order?

Keep safe!

Are you referring the the Spyderco SPOT?

You will find production La Griffe knives at Emerson Knives.
You think that's expensive? How about sending a Ladybug over the pond? Shipping is more expensive than the product itself... But I just couldn't help it... ;)
I'm considering, but just wanna clarify if it is the emerson or the spot... can you please send me an email with price and where you getting it from...