Benchmade Question

crazy nicky

Jun 14, 2002
Ok...I'm trying to figure out if my 551 is broken or what. When the knife is closed and I shake sounds like some is rattaling around in there but It's not very can hear faintly. When the knife is locked in place the noise is gone. Now do you guys think my AXIS lock is going or is gone? I haven't had any problems with the lock though. It still deploys as fast and as smoothly as it did when I first got it. Maybe something is stuck in there??? I have no idea...
For some reason my 710 does that. The lock operates properly and everything, but it rattles when closed.

I think the AXIS spring(s) could be moving around and hitting the G10...I've been planning on sending it in sometime...
Make sure all screws, even those on the scales are tightened down. If it still rattles, then it's probably as Steve said--one of the omega springs is more than likely loose. The knife will still function perfectly. If it bothers you, send it in for repair.
I think it is the stop pin. My 942 does the same thing. Jeff Clark posted a response that explained it, but now I can't remember for sure what he said.
my 550 does this. i am almost positive it's the pocket clip. try holding your pocket clip down against the knife and then shake it. the rattle on mine goes away. i think it's b/c the griptilian is so "hollow" the sound of the pocket clip tapping against the body of the knife resonates. try it and see what happens.

edit... actually. i think i am totally wrong. nevermind. i think it is that stop pin rattling in there. when i squeeze the knife and shake it, the rattle dissapears. i jumped to conclusions.:rolleyes:
Check that stop pin out as Josh said. I have a mini-stryker thats been there and back several times and the stop pin in it started making a rattling or clicking sound when I shake it about a year ago. No big deal for me after what I have put that knife through I can't really complain about it.
There is no stop pin in the traditional sense, in an Axis lock. There is a locking bar, which is always under pressure from the 2 omega springs. It should not be rattling around under any circumstances.;)

EDIT: Sorry. I jumped too fast here. There are stop pins as well as the Axis bar. It is possible for the stop pin to be loose. Maybe tightening the pivot pin a bit might help.
Stop pin. I can see it move on several of mine. The ones that rattle when they are closed, but not when they are open. Haven't had any problems with any of them, though.
Knifenerd-- my 942 has a stop pin that looks pretty traditional. It also has a locking bar which is always under pressure from the omega springs. The omega springs never contact the stop pin, but the back of the blade tang does when you open the knife. the stop pin appears to have a sleeve that rotates around its long axis pretty freely when the blade is closed. When the knife is open, the tang is pressing against the stop pin (and the locking bar) and the stop pin does not rotate or rattle.
My 710 that i've had for a few years rattles also, but the lock-up is smooth and strong as ever.