Bent Sebenza clips?

May 11, 1999
Anyone else done this before- walked through a doorway too closely and snagged the clip of their Sebenza (front pocket carry) on the doorframe and bent it completely out of shape?
I've done this at least half a dozen times. Sometimes I'm able to re-shape the clip but after a while I end up replacing it 'cause it looks nasty.

I've never bent a clip on any other knife and wonder if it has anything to do with the single-screw clip mounting on the sebeneza?
Sebenzas aren't alone. I've done this numerous times with all brands of pocket knives. If it has a clip, it is subject to snagging on something and bending or breaking.

I've bent enough of them that I now remove all clips. I carry either in the bottom of the pocket or in a belt pouch.

I have bent clips on other knives and had a Sebenza clip with some movement which I might have caught on something but I can think of it.

I have really nice scratches on the offside rear door of my car where I have been pushing it from out of the way of the garage to get my wife's car out rather than get in and start it :eek:

It was a few months ago when I had put on a bit of weight and so IWB carry was not comfortable so my sebbie was clipped in my pocket. It took me a while to figure out what was scratching the car :footinmou
Brand new Spyderco Lum Chinese folder, first day at work with it, broke off the clip, sent it in to get it replaced, came back, two days later, broke off the clip again! Ordered three replacement clips, just to be safe......haven't broken again since. Course, that's partly because I've purchased a small collection of Sebenza's to carry instead!
Some clips are better than others. I put the Sebbies on the low side myself.

I find that clips are great when the body of the folder is in a "change" pocket such as in jeans or in the bottom of a dress pants pocket. Also, if you clip IWB on the flat part of your hip (at least for men), that works pretty well.

Otherwise, I go clipless. Too many snags.
Ugh...clips, they can really ruin your day! try catching the side of your clip along the edge of a nice kitchen chair and listen to the adoring wife as she notices the new character marks...I do wear knives with clips but only so I can carry more knives at any given time, a sheath! I've never bent a clip though...