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Best sheath for Steel Heart

Feb 20, 2003
I ordered a Steel Heart today and want a bullet proof sheath for it. I would like to attach it to a Tactical Tailor modular molle LBE and have the option of wearing it on a rigger belt. Opinions are greatly appreciated.
My straight handle SH II is my main hard duty knife, so I have a bunch of sheaths for it :D
In leather, Kenny Rowe makes some very nices ones, including a tri-carry. I'd check out Lifter4Him too, In plastic [kydex, etc(there are differences among the different types)], On Scene Tactical [Eric] does excellent work. I'm not partical to the cordura and kydex lined sheaths out there, although I do see the attraction. I prefer a J clip or something other than a belt loop, and that's my main objection to the standard sheath.
BTW, I have multiple sheath because I find it easier to move the knife from sheath to sheath ie from kayak to pack or belt, rather than constantly remove the sheath, especially when I've had to tie it down. That my excuse for buying sheaths :D
Welcome to the Busse forum, glad you stopped by :D:D

Here is a list of people you might want to contact

If you need some kydex you can contact the following people for more information

On/Scene Tactical-Eric E. Noeldechen http://www.mnsi.net/~nbtnoel

Buy Brown- David Brown http://www.buybrownholsters.com/

Okuden Sheaths- Brian Wagner contact info okuden@earthlink.net pics can be seen in this thread http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=240631&perpage=20&pagenumber=1

If you want some leather:

Dwayne Puckett(leatherman or leatherratman) contact info armoralleather@yahoo.com

MtMike contact info bartolm@earthlink.net

Kenny Rowe Leather Info: 870-777-8216

Everyone has given me excellent service and I can not say enough good things about their work. Each has a slightly different style so contact each of them or check the websites for examples.
Welcome to the forums.....

eric,,,you're such a show off... ;)
But We're glad your here.:D
Hiya Gont,

Welcome to the Busse Madness!!! I concur with the recommendations that Eric made. Those are all very high-quality makers of sheaths.

Given your specs for the sheath, allow me to add Robert Humelbaugh over at Survival Sheath Systems to the list of sheath makers whose work you should consider. http://www.survivalsheath.com

The reasons I think his work may work for you are:
1. He regularly works with non-standard carry options. His website shows a few of his "not just for your belt" sheaths. LBE carry should be a piece of cake for him to do.
2. He is an ex-military groundpounder of some sort IIRC. So he's spent his fair share of time humping around under LBE and knows whereof he speaks when talking about what should (or not) work for military operations.
3. He lives within about 20 minutes of Ft Lewis and about 40 minutes from Tactical Tailor. Let's just say that he lives in a "target rich environment" for developing emminently practical designs with some of the best testers on earth handy to his back door. ;)
4. Given my dealings with him on a special custom rig I had him make, IMHO he'd do what is needed to insure that any rig he made for you would fit on a TT LBE setup the way you wanted or would make it right if it didn't.

Some of his postings here on BFC (Robert H) may seem a bit flip at times, but he is one of the people I'd want to see covering my six when the chips are down.

Thx for the bandwidth, -- Greg --
Thanks for all the help everyone. Now I have more choices than I imagined. Cant wait to get my new knife, it comes highly recommended.
Welcome aboard. I second the notion that having multiple sheaths is more convenient. It is easier to leave a sheath and move a knife.

An example is my NO/E that I take backpacking (yeah, I know it's heavy). The factory sheath fits perfectly between the vertical rails of the external frame backpack I use. I can reach it up over my head and draw it easily if needed. When the pack is off and I can wear the knife on a belt rig, I leave the sheath wire tied to the frame and just use the kydex sheath I have on my belt, canteen and buttpack affair that is on the outside of my pack.