BT2 coating?

Dec 15, 2002
I'm rather interested in a Benchmade 941. If you were buying one would you get the black coating for a few more bucks or go for the satin? Got any thoughts on this? thanks for the forum. dtsoll
Well the BT2 coating is better than nothing, but the coating on my KABAR USMC is better than that. When I tested the BT2, i tried to break thin woodstripes away from a dry wood brick. After some (about 20 times) there were small areas where the coating was ripped of. So fo hardcore use, it won't last forever (but which coating will?). The KABAR-coating is better and cheaper, but this won'r help you in your case.
Anyway I'd buy my BM with the coating again, not at least, because it looks cool!! :cool:

P.S. When I'm at home I'll try to talke a picture of it and put the link here
I would not buy a coated BM again unless it was a tool steel blade.

I got a coated 705 and it now looks like sh*t from scratches that my Gatco clamp put on the blade when I thinned out the grind.
imho, for edc knives, and utility knives, any coating sukks, ya are gonna get scratches i dont care what it is, i carry a spydie delica SE and use it for boxes,etc and keep my EKI CQC8/SOCFK/BM 806SD2/etc looking good, and use them only for dedicated SD knives, myself. other than that, if ya use them, they are going to scratch up. a bud of mine uses a BM 806 to open boxes/etc at work, it looks TERRIBLE and looks 100 yrs old, lol, of course, he is USING it, if the scuffs/scratches dont bother ya, dont worry, but if ya are like me, anal retentive, carry a small utility knife for utility cutting.
