Buffet Line?

Mar 17, 2003
I've moved to the Minneapolis area and am looking for a buffet of folders at a retail store(not on the internet). I'm not prepared to drop $120 without being able to "feel" the knife. Any suggestions?

My 710sbt is my edc and am looking for another utility.
Hello Feldkamp,
The knife store pickings are getting slim in the Twin Cites area. 3-4 more of the "Mall" type cutlery stores have closed this last year, and of course the big store, R.F.& G. Safe & Knife Store closed for good too. However, I have heard that the guys that ran the RF&G have just opened a new store on Main Street in down town Hopkins. You should drop by and have a nice long visit. I used to spend hours in their old store. They really know their way around knives.

Best Regards,
Jay Maines
Sunrise River Custom Knives