C46 Lum Question

Oct 15, 2005
I see in the catalogs the C46 Lum Tanto has a blade of ATS-55.
I have seen a G-10 handled version with a VG-10 blade .
How many were made with each type steel ?And when did it change?
Any info appreciated.
thanks .Rick.
From what I can gather I think it was the later models in either early or late 03 just before they were going to discontinue them. I have a friend who has one of the black coated, PE, G-10 models in VG-10 but truthfully it is the only one I have ever seen. I would say that they are fairly rare. With the popularity the C-46 is now enjoying sinced it's been DCed I would say the VG-10 model would certainly have collector's appeal in probably the no so distant future. I would venture to say that percentage-wise there are probably not very many of them out there compared to the ATS-55 model.

Either blade steel> they are still a super knife. I never really was all that "gung ho" about tantos but Bob Lum's tantos are a completely different animal all together. Great knife. But then again what would you expect from Spyderco :thumbup:
I have a C-46 with a black coated VG-10 PE blade and one with an ATS-55 CE. I'm glad someone brought this question up because I had wondered this myself. Thanks again JD.
-Barker a.k.a. "Speyederlover"
Well Barker if I was to make a top 10 list of Spyders of all time I can assure you that the C-46 Bob LUm Tanto folder would definitely be on that list. It would probably fall in about 6 o 7 on my top 10.

That type of tanto design of Bob Lum's was and still is to a large degree way ahead of it's time. Until I had gotten myself a C-46 I had a fervent dislike for tanto knives. But his streamlined tanto is so functional when you put it to use. It is not only a dream for a self defense knife but it has awesome utility uses also.

I think that maybe the price of the knife and the mis-understood design surely did lead to it being discontinued before it's time. Now the "hamaguri" or "apple seed" grind is a bit challenging to sharpen unless you really have some patience. Great knife!!:thumbup: Permanent fixture in my collection :cool: