Care for new Grohmann #3

Feb 28, 2000
I recently recieved a Grohmann #3 knife as a gift. I have a lot of experience caring for my folders, but I've never had a knife with a wood handle and a leather sheath (coming from the new school of synthetic materials and kydex sheaths). What are the basic materials I would need to take care of this knife and keep it working for years to come? Any input would be appreciated.
You will really like the #3.
I personally like Tung oil. Let the wood get warm from th sun, then apply with your hands and rub in. Let dry about an hour, then buff a bit. There is no oily film. Another option is the now poly finishes available.
The sheath can be treated with neatsfoot oil, leather balm, or beeswax.I gave mine a coat of kiwi camp dry, and let it dry good, then a coat of leather balm to finish it out. I've been in some pretty fair down pours, and the sheath still looks pretty good.
Is the wood their laminated rosewood? This is essentially dymondwood,but all layers of rosewood and not alternating gawdy colors. Od you have the laminated wood, it will need little care. Especially do not put oil on that stuff! I'll go into more detail later!

Karl Rejman
Very little care is required. Grohmann suggests linseed oil on the wood and saddle soap for the leather and that's what I've done. I use my model #3 a lot and its still brand newish.

I have friends who've never cared for their Grohmanns and they've stood up well against the years and use.. One was a Canadian Armed Forces issue #3 and it saw a lot of abuse and looked to be in fine shape even though no care was given.