Celebrities, Famous people and knives


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2001
Curious as too just who out there that we know of is into knives.

I know that Angelina Jolie is, but cannot readily think of any others. I am fairly certain that I have heard of some others in the past though.
I believe one of the singers from crosby stills and nash is a big fan of customs, it was in blade a year, or two ago.
I read somewhere a long time ago that Sylvester Stallone (big surprise) is a knut. I can't cite a source, though.

maximus otter
Maximus, I seem to remember that Mike Turber is the one who said Stallone is a knife collector. I would not swear that he said it, but it seems to me he did.

Also, another thing I seem to remember (but could be all wrong) is that Steven Tyler (singer for Aerosmith) is a collector. If anybody can confirm that, I would appreciate it....my memory sucks :)
I just read a post of Ken Onions that he made some knives for Aerosmith.
John Popper, the singer/harmonica player from Blues Traveller, is big into swords and also large folders.

I read that country crooner Randy Travis collects Case slipjoints.

I hear tell that O.J. Simpson ... oh, nevermind. Too easy :p
Found a picture of one that was made for Steve Tyler by Ken Onion.

Just to add on,

Stallone is a huge knife knut, There's been been photo's of him with Hibben, and Jimmy Lile. He also use to attend some of the Cal. knife shows. He also designed a knife for Damascus U.S.A , and apperently hand selected knives to be in his films.

Arnold has had an interest in knives.

Willie Nelson once received a beautiful Lucie Scagel hunter.

Trivia: What famous Bowie maker had a small roll in a 1980's film, playing a Mobster.

P.S. A lot of older actors (John Wayne, etc....) were fans of J.N. Cooper.
I remember hearing that that guy who played the human in the Lord of the Rings movies really liked the sword they provided him with, and would wear it around town during breaks in the filming.
Originally posted by maximus otter
I read somewhere a long time ago that Sylvester Stallone (big surprise) is a knut. I can't cite a source, though.

He's into balisongs from what I've read!
Judge Lance Ito is a very highly respected and knowledgeble collector of Custom Knives.

He is an Honorary Member of the Knifemakers Guild and attends many shows- notably the Guild Show in Orlando.
