Cleaning Supplies for the Patio/Powerwashers?


Apr 6, 2009
My patio has patches of mold in some spots, a huge brown stain and other assorted patches of filth I can't get rid of. If I had the budget for a powerwasher, I'd get my butt to the hardware store and buy one right now, but alas...

I know you can buy cheap(ish) powerwasher-type gadgets that hook up to your hose. Are they worth it, or should I save up for a gas-powered behemoth?

The other day I sprayed it down, poured PineSol on it and scrubbed like the dickens with a soft-bristle pushbroom because that's all I had on hand. Some of the crust/discoloration lightened up, but it's still very noticeable.

Short of a powerwasher, what should I use to clean this patio? Bleach? A hard-bristled pushbroom? Get down on my hands and knees with a scrub brush? I'm getting tired of looking at a narsty patio. :p

Mods: I figured this was the best area to post in; if not, please move the thread to somewhere more fitting.
mold grows because there is shade and moisture present. Remove the shade, and let the suns uv rays hit the deck and you wont have mold. To treat it though, bleach + hot water 50/50 mix, soak it let it sit all day and then scrub it off with more solution. Get the pressure washer with the revolving floor scrubber!
Concrete or wood makes a difference but if concrete a WEAK solution of Muratic Acid will do the trick (used in pool cleaning) if wood a moderate solution of good ole Clorox and STIFF brush and elbow grease:) power washer + wood = BAD if your are not EXTREMELY carefull!!!;)

DO NOT let the muratic acid solution set TOO long or you end up with a ETCHED finish on smooth concrete, broom finish is not a big deal but still not advisable to let it set very long, lots of clear water to flush with.:thumbup:

As aready stated Shade+damp = mold/algea:D

Check out the shady side of a tree trunk to get a better idea!!!:p
It's a concrete patio...the shade where the mold is comes from the steps leading up to our deck. I can't get rid of the steps, so I may just learn to live with the mold; maybe I'll move the grill over it and pray it doesn't spread. :D

I'll probably try the Clorox-and-a-stiff brush method on the patio before I go goofing around with acid...I'm pretty accident-prone.

Thanks, guys! :thumbup:
Nothing that just hooks up to a hose will clean like a powerwasher can.

So, if you can't buy one, rent one. In fact, if you only need one once a year for spring cleaning, rent one every year.

But, be careful with a powerwasher. They are not called POWERwashers for no reason. They can do a lot of damage really fast. Start out really easy until you get the hang of it.

A mild bleach solution will kill moss, mold, and mildew, but it's hard on surfaces such as wood and even concrete and will kill your plants, so be careful with it.
I would think that most of the bleach solutions and especially the muriatic acid (aka concentrated hydrochloric acid) would kill all of the grass or plants surrounding the patio.

What we do is just rent a powerwasher and blast it off. Takes a few hours and the water wont hard the grass or plants.
Just don't go mixing bleach with other chemicals or you might rediscover chlorine gas the hard way...

Stick to one chemical at a time unless the labels of each chemical state to mix.