cnn shows Endura/detroit cop severs fingers

Mar 2, 2000
Sorry I was watching at the "y" and didn't have my headphones today so I could not hear what was said.But during a story on the Detroit cop who cut the finger tips off a women while cutting her long coat sleeves off to cuff her,they showed an Endura nicely placed upon a Spyderco box.

Was it actually a Spyderco he used or was this just a tv prop?

Btw she's suing for 100 million.The dept.made statements(I did a search)like "no we don't issue knives" "we have no policy or procedure for using a knife while cuffing" etc.So one can see who's going to be left to hang.
Here we are, about to wage war with not one, but two of maddest mad men since hitler, and CNN has nothing better to report than this trite BS?!
I guess this little 'ol potential nuclear war has gotten in the way of the usual liberal media agendas. THINK AGAIN! Crazy Knife wielding officers are coming to cut your fingers off!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:rolleyes:
Im sure Lib gun/knife control politicians are drooling at the mouth over this one. It includes two of their favorite targets.... the RIGHT side of the law, and inanimate objects that can be blamed for all our woes.
You can bet that the response will not only be action against the officer(rightly so), but will include the manufacturer, and more sweeping restrictions on officers and civilians everywhere. It'll turn into a mass hysteria over knives, and then will springboard off this topic to guns. You it comes!:rolleyes::barf:
The article doesn't say what kind of knife it was, but it does have some information about the officer involved.
Detroit faces $100 million lawsuit over severed finger

Fieger files on behalf of woman injured during arrest

By Associated Press

Paul Warner / Associated Press

SOUTHFIELD -- Attorney Geoffrey Fieger filed a $100 million lawsuit Friday against the city of Detroit and a police officer on behalf of a woman whose finger was severed during an arrest.

The suit was filed in Wayne County Circuit Court on behalf of Joni and William Gullas.

Gullas' left ring finger was severed at the top knuckle early Sunday when officer Anthony Johnson used a 4-inch knife to cut the sleeve off Gullas' jacket in an attempt to handcuff her. The fingertip was recovered but could not be reattached.

According to police reports, Johnson and two other plainclothes officers on a breaking and entering task force approached Gullas' van in a bar parking lot. Gullas, of Detroit, said she thought she was being carjacked when the officer approached. Officers said Gullas was resisting arrest.

Gullas has not been charged with a crime.

At a news conference in Fieger's Southfield office, Gullas also claimed hair was torn from her head in the melee.

"This was a vicious attack. It is hard to explain how a man capable of such violence carries a badge and a gun," Fieger said.

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick said of the suit: "The woman definitely deserves the right to representation. ... The issues will be resolved in the court of law, where they should."

Police are investigating the incident and on Tuesday asked prosecutors to file charges against Johnson. However, as of Friday afternoon prosecutors had not made a decision.

Johnson has been placed on desk duty.

"The department has no policies and procedures that would cause an officer to use a knife to make an arrest," Deputy Chief Gary Brown said. "We don't issue knives. We don't conduct any training that would involve a knife in the arrest of a subject."

This isn't the first time Johnson has drawn attention. He shot and killed a 79-year-old disabled woman during a ruckus in her home in 1998, police officials said.

The department and prosecutors ruled the killing was justified because the woman -- who was deaf, had arthritis and suffered dementia -- had lunged with a kitchen knife at Johnson and other officers who were trying to control a fight inside a Detroit home.

Cora Bell Jones' family sued the officers and the city, collecting a $350,000 settlement in 2001.
Freaking BS. And I'll bet that she got her finger cutted off because she actually grabbed it herself by resisting anyways.
Viciously attacking? I thought when cops have to arrest someone, they've to let them know they're cops.
"the RIGHT side of the law"
not if they're severing body parts due to careless knife handling; that's extremely unprofessional behaviour at best, and careless, stupid negligence at worst. I don't agree that it was a vicious attack though. I'd sue his ass off too....there's no excuse for that.
I'm sure this lady was just sitting there as calm as a breeze when she got cut.:rolleyes:
Sounds to me like the officer was trying to help, and the lady wigged out and cut her dam self.
..."trying to help"...

I'm speechless.

Let's try a little exercise, Sticky. You are a woman, sitting alone in a parking lot. Suddenly, you're blinded with a searchlight, three men drag you out of your vehicle, force you to the ground, pull your arms behind your back, draw a knife, and you end up missing the end of your ring finger.

You later find out that the person who did this had previously shot and killed a 79-year-old disabled deaf woman, but remains on the police force. And the damage he did to you can't be repaired. Now, for the rest of your life, there'll be a scar and an empty space right above your wedding ring.

Now reread your post, please:
>I'm sure this lady was just sitting there as calm
>as a breeze when she got cut.
>Sounds to me like the officer was trying to help, and
>the lady wigged out and cut her dam self.

Don'cha think it might be a _little_ inappropriate to invent details about no-goodnik victims and long-suffering, misunderstood cops getting a bad rap? I mean, seriously, what about the story implies that she was "up to no good", or that the officer was "trying to help"? And, sorry, but I think I'd probably "wig out" under those circumstances, too.

The "knife bad!" angle of the news coverage is screwed up, but let's not get carried away with the righteous indignation.

..."Cut her dam self"... Cheese... If I shot you, could I say "you ran yo own stupid ass into the bullet"?
All I'm getting at is this, wouldn't it be nice if CNN and the like would trumpet all the GOOD things LEO's do on a daily basis as LOUDLY as they tell us when one turns out to be a skunk?

And I know its a ghastly idea, but I do know officers who do try to help. The very fact that they deal with vermon on a daily basis and take the BS of lawyers and judges etc. throwing their cases out on technicalities after risking their asses arresting them is help enough for me.

Do you also think that only white males become serial killers? According to virtually every news outlet in the USA, this is fact.

I'd think twice about ANY mainstream news story as it is given.

Just realized I'd been using LEF(law enforcement friends)
where I meant law enforcement officers..whoops.
>All I'm getting at is this, wouldn't it be nice if CNN and
>the like would trumpet all the GOOD things LEF's do on a
>daily basis as LOUDLY as they tell us when one turns out
>to be a skunk?

"News" is when something unusual happens. News outlets don't report the ordinary. The fact that only bad cops get press _means_ that cops are, by and large, doing their jobs right.

>And I know its a ghastly idea, but I do know officers
>who do try to help.

Of course. And there are also officers who are grossly unfit to serve, who abuse their authority, who commit serious crimes, and who are shielded by their departments and by their police status. A knee-jerk "cops bad!" reaction is silly. But a similar "must'a been the victim's fault!" reaction ain't any better.

Ignore the slant and look at the facts. The woman hasn't been charged with any crime. Three cops approached her in a _very_ aggressive and intimidating way, and one of them maimed her with a knife.

I'd say that, given the _facts_ of this case, it's pretty clear that there's serious police misconduct at work here.
Even people who are under arrest have rights.

The police are not judge, jury, and executioner all in one package.
There's no excuse for chopping off a SUSPECT's finger--especially since that suspect has'nt been charged with any crime.

Maybe the officer watched "Training Day" one to many times.
I have to say Ie never heard of a cop cutting someones sleeve to handcuff them!!! With this said its not fair to blame her for this as she was never even charged in anything, and even if she was, no one has the right to cut her finger off, just to try to put handcuffs on her? The fact that he shot a deaf, disabled woman with arthritis, would make you wonder.
My wifes mother is a retired homicide detective, her dad and step dad are retired cops also, they'll be the first ones to say that there are cops out there who think they're dirty hairy, ect. Theres other cops who have decent character. with all that said no one knows what took place there, only them, and the Lord. Its best to let the courts figure it out, as that is what they're there for.