Cold Steel-Hudson Bay/Red River Knives?

Jul 7, 1999
I was wondering if Cold Steel actually makes or made the Red River American Hunter,  Red River Elk Hunter, and the Hudson Bay knives...that are sold on There are a few dealers on there that list them as being Cold Steel Brand knives, and when asked say the same thing.  Is this true?

If you have any info e-mail me at


Justin Dean Reichenbach
Yes, they are Cold Steel properties. Good knives, too bad they wern't good sellers. "Carbon V" steel. Very nice kitchen knives...simple, but nice.....goooooooood edge geometry.........verrrrrry sharp! I have several in all the different configurations.
Ditto! Very good kitchen knives and butchering knives. I would like to locate a scalper model if possible. I think I paid a grand total of 15 bucks plus shipping with the sheaths from discount knives.
Do you know where I could find any of the Cold Steel Hudson Bay style knives?

Justin Dean Reichenbach
They are very fine blades as everyone has said. I think I saw some that were handled in sheep horn and other nice materials,but I think these were done by individuals that got the kit knives.
I have a scalper with the handle beaded with cobalt blue beads with a white bead border at the top and bottom.
I sure wish I had of bought several instead of just the one. They were certainly cheap enough.


The civilized man sleeps behind locked doors in the city while the naked savage sleeps (with a knife) in a open hut in the jungle.