Bladechic: You keep a knife in your bra... gotta love that!!! You are a woman after mine own heart!
As for CS Voyagers - I have had the 4" tanto point model for many years - mine is one of the first models, back when they were making it with the clip as part of the handle & had to license it thru Spyderco... Still very little wobble to the blade after all that time (and use) & it has served me very well (for 10 years or so now...).
I have 2 other CS folders too; the Scimitar (non-serated) which I really like & carry alot. And more recently I picked up a Carbon V Trail Guide. The large Trail Guide is a very inexpensive ($21.95) little folder with a 3 1/2" blade or so that is relatively PC and cuts like no tomorrow. ...I highly recomend CS folders.
Spyderco: I only have one "spider knife" and its a fixed blade (Perrin, the utility model) in VG10. While I love that little knife I have never been impressed with the point strength on it, or any other Spyderco knife.
Now I'm not diss' ing Spyderco and I've had no problems with my Perrin utility knife - I have it on me as I type this - but, I just wouldn't put alot of lateral pressure on the tip of the knife without expecting it to break. Some of the
folders appear even less durable to me...
Like I said, I'm not taking shots here - its just my opinion. If I am going to spend more than $50 on a folding knife, I want one I can use HARD without worrying too much about it - for me, Cold Steel fits the bill better than any other.
...And it apparently can be concealed in a bra
- what more could you ask for?