Couple pics from ECCKS

Jul 22, 2002
The first 2 are by Stephen J, Fecas. The rest are by John Lewis Jensen.


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I'm terrible at taking pics. So if anybody has some tricks for getting good indoor pics of bladeware, they would be much appreciated :D .
Thanks for the pictures. I know John, think a lot of him and his work is awesome. If you go back tell him Gus said hello. Hope you enjoyed the show.
Very nice. I really like the Fecas piece.:cool: I was at the show yesterday, and I'll be back tomorrow.:)

I was thinking of heading back tomorrow. For all those going, post up and we'll meet and grab a beer (or 2 or 3 or more, don't want to put a limit on something like that :)).
Sure! There's a place to grab a drink and snack just down the escalator. Tomorrow, I'll wear my "Knifenerd" name tag.:D See 'ya.

Also, check the tables outside the ballroom. That's where the guys tend to hang out.
cdg160, I hope you don't mind if I tag a pic on your thread :)

I was there early Friday and late today.
Nice show,
good folks
I was drooling over the Jonny Walker Nilsson myself. He uses some very choice handle materials. His bone/antler carvings on his sheaths and knives are amazing. The detail is so fine you'd need a magnifier for some parts.
Nice pix CGD, thanks for posting. That first Jensen blade was awesome! The detail was amazing, liked the girls profile on the top of the handle.

Edited to ask if anyone got pix of those wild looking Balisongs?
I'm not going to get to the show today :mad: . Family crap :mad: :mad: . I wanted to get some pics of an awesome guitar that was there.