CQC-7A Shobu?

Aug 24, 2007
I'd like to see a Shobu-Zukuri style blade with in a CQC handle. That would be a cool blade. With the Persian no longer available, I don't see that happening. to see a Shobu blade, go to the Gary Bradburn Knives web-site.
That would indeed be nice :thumbup:

I dont know what blades like that are not more popular :confused:
Easy for me to say as I am an absoulute monster when it comes to Persian
style blades but it is a blade shape that just about covers all bases IMO.

The 8 is a good example I think, it has that nice sweeping edge with a good belly but keeping a robust point with it.
Its just as at home in a bushcraft situation as it is in the kitchen or a "fight".
Haze---I agree. :thumbup:
I might have Reese Wieland make me a Shobu blade.

I'd go for one too. Those are some of my favorite blade styles, along with the Persian.:thumbup::D
Amen74--- Thanks.
It won't happen with Emerson.
I just received a friction folder with a shobu-like blade. :)