CRKT Point Guard or Falcon

I like the lines and general ergonomics of the Falcon over the Point Guard. Also, the recurved edge is, IMHO, a better cutter.
I like the Falcon. A bit unconventional in the blade shape, but pretty nice nevertheless.
I got my sister the small one, and she use it to peel oranges for lunch time at work.
Hmmmm.., I think I'd go with the Falcon also.., just to try it. I also think you'd be pretty happy with the Point Gaurd.., so that was tons of help

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]" there is always an oddball in every batch. That would be me. I have a PointGuard and love it.
I've never before held a Falcon, so I cannot comment on it. I do own a Small Pointguard though, and it served as my EDC untill I got my Spyderco Delica. The pointguard is fairly good knife for EDC and I would recommend it. The LAWKS system deffinately gives you confidendce about the linerlock too.
I prefer the Falcon as it feels better in the hand and pocket IMHO. I also like the blade shape.
I carry the mini-Falcon every day. The recurve may not be to everybody's taste, but I cut a lot of plastic bands on paper boxes, and the curve drives the band into the cutting area, no matter how dull I let it get between sharpenings... I know, I should touch it up more often, but it's the only chance I have of really sharpening my blade... And I need a heck of a lot of practice there! :( , 'cause I find it real difficult to come up with that ever elusive "Hair-Popping Sharp" that everybody is talking about! :eek:

But, the Point Guard does look like a piece with a lot of good potential...

I had both* and prefer the Falcon. The Falcon has a better feel in the hand when in use and the slightly thicker cross section fills one's hand better without compromising it's pocket carryability. It has a nice re-curve to the blade that adds to it's slicing capability. This is a very decent do-all kind of folder IMO. I think it would do the self defense thing just as well as it would handle everyday kind of cutting chores.

The PG has a thinner, better slicing and cutting edge. The blade profile has a nice splinter picking pointy tip which I like. However, it does not fit my hand as well as the Falcon and it did not carry too well in my pocket. Aside from my little nit-picky whining, the PG is really a pretty good choice for a utility folder.
But, my mantra is, you should really try to handle both before you decide. They are vastly different feeling beasts in the hand to me.

*I gave the Point Guard to my youngest brother. He loved the look and feel of it so much when I let him try it, I couldn't help but send it home with him where I know it'll do a good day's work and serve him well for a long time to come.

All the best,
Mike U.