CS's Triple Action Folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ogre
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Looks like an interesting knife...
Has anyone seen one in person? Hows it feel?
Is it slow to open? Is it worth it?

I may just order a Scimitar - but that Tri Tanto looks very slick. An "At The Office Knife."

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!

I handled one of these recently at my local cutlery shop. My impressions are as follows:

It has nothing to break up the transition from handle to blade,(no guard).

The knife requires two hands to open and will never be able to be opened one handed.

Addendum: It seems the sample I handled is tight. Others say it can be opened one handed. Can't win'em all!

It looks way cool but the handle is the very definition of boxy.

The blade itself is quite nice. Good grind, VERY sharp and quite stout.

After the knife is opened and locked it's strength is, IMO, as strong as a fixed blade.

I had to pass on it because of the lack of anything to keep your pinkies off of the blade. It's just not very safe IMHO.

The choices we make dictates the life we lead.

[This message has been edited by misque (edited 13 September 1999).]
Didn't Blackie Collins design this system and used it on a Case knife a few years ago?The knife was much smaller and the handles or body was Zytel or some variant.I remember seeing ads for them in Blade. I think Case introduced the Shooters Tool around the same time.Anyone else remember these?
My impression, handling the Triple Actions at a show, is that they are more interesting than practical. The double edged version would be a desktop letter opener with some style, and it wouldn't be the world's first guardless stabbing weapon either (God forbid).

I wonder if that metal handle, in the folded position, would make it look like an uninteresting rectangle, and not a knife-shaped thing, to the folks running the x-ray machines at security checkpoints. I suspect they would not be amused if they decided to check out that rectangle.

AKTI Member # SA00001
I had one and thought it wasn't very practical. Save your money. The knife is very difficult to open one-handed and though it does lock up solidly, it doesn't seem very practical to me. I stripped the pivot screw which incidentally increased the opening speed to that of a bali-song...however, I found it an unappealing knife and traded it for a neck knife.



IMHO it's an excellent folder.
I really enjoy the dagger one.

It's a pleasure to have a folding dagger you can open with a simple flick of the wrist.

It's quicker than a balisong to open and close and quicker and safer than any automatics I know.

The Triple Action FOlder is a real weapon design by a "killer"...


Strider, I found the ad of the knife you mentioned. Just got some old Fighting Knives magazines and there it is (in January 1994), the Case Tri-Fold. The ad says the handles are Zytel and the knife is designed to be opened with just one hand.


Two important questions in life:
Do they have a catalog?
Did you know there's a town called "Batman" in Turkey?
HOW on Earth are you guys getting this thing open ONE-HANDED??!! The one I handled was tighter than a gnat's ass! I had to get the dealer to open it for me the first time as I was afraid I was doing something wrong. Does it loosen with use?

The choices we make dictates the life we lead.

Regardless of the pros and cons -
the knife has that "LOOK". Ya know?
I am afraid I will have to get one...

Maybe a trade?

Anyone trade for a El Vaquero or Rekat Utility? or BOTH?

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!

I may be mistaken, but I thought that the Collins design was similar to the cheap "Jacob's Ladder" folders where the blade hinges on the end of the metal "cover" that drops away from the handle (you hold the end of a three-piece chain with the blade as the third link), whereas the CS Triple-Action has both the "cover" and blade hinged from the handle (you hold the middle of the chain, with blade hinged on one end and "cover" on the other)

The disadvantage of either setup (but especially the second) is that it allows the blade to oppose the inside of one of the other two parts and drag or slam the point against a metal surface if manipulated certain ways.

Last time we discussed this knife, one fellow mentioned that the closed knife resembles a Leatherman, very innocuous. That's good, but the open knife also resembles a Leatherman, now with a 4" (and possibly double-edged) blade protruding from its slick, guardless metal handle. Doesn't seem like a good idea to me...

I handled one at a show and was a little disappointed. If the handle had been stainless steel instead of Aluminum, or if it would have been more "squared" than rectangular in the handle cross-section, it would have been more to my liking. I didn't get to see the double-sided blade, and I don't care for a fully serrated tanto blade.

Concept-wise, it has a lot of potential (it looks cool). I would prefer to see something in the size and shape of a BM spike handle. Something to fit into a pocket. Just my $.02.

Daniel D.
I happen to have Kodiak's old TAF, and it is fast to open with one hand..it is hard to explain how to do it, but a flick of the wrist does it and it can be brought into action fast. I think the dagger version would be better than the Tanto I got..at least a little better usaged of the design. Also it does not look like a knife when clipped in the pocket.

IF it was $50 bucks or so I think it would be worth the money..the AL handles are kinda soft, and your thumb will turn black after a while if your are flicking it alot.

it is fun to flick...


It is not a matter of whether or not you are paranoid, it is a matter of whether or not you are paranoid enough.

AKTI # A000348
One quick point to Mike's comment. The knife when NIB wouldn't flick at all. It required 2 hands just to open it. I figured I would take the pivot screw out and apply some Lock-tite for some reason and I striped the screw. It then flipped open very easily and only marginally loss some of its lock up ability. Drew's point about the blade marring the inner portion of the handle when closing is true too. I'm not sure why CS designed the pivot so tight....perhaps to prevent being acused of having a balisong type knife? Either way, I think Yekim's TAF is better now that I accidentally broke it than when it was new.

Mike, enjoy the knife! I'm enjoying the neck knife.



Ogre, go with the Scimitar! You won't regret it if you want a dramatic, kickass knife.It's pretty big for pocket carry, but has a good pocket clip.Appearance and sharpness are enough to make it fun to own,IMHO.

Come one ! just learn the trick.

It's really a pleasure to play ith it as soon as you know how to open it.

I will film it for you if you want .

BTW it's really an ambidextrous knife !


I got my hands on one...
Did not like it as much as I liked the picture.

Wanting is better than having in some cases. This is one of them.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
misque wrote:
"It has nothing to break up the transition from handle to blade,(no guard). "

Why is this bad on the TAF, but accepted on the microtech halo series?

Maybe b/c no one expects to actually use the microtech..

ICQ # 11763815
The TAF is clunky to open as a two hander. It takes a little handling to learn the trick of the one handed latch release, then some practice for the fast flick open. I imagine Cold Steel doesn't include proper knife opening instructions for what they consider a good reason.

I've got the serrated Tanto, which I now carry in my pocket instead of an auto in a belt sheath.

Awesome power in a light weight folder is true enough, but at this price ($83 from Knife Outlet), the aluminum handles should be anodized to prevent a discolored hand when playing with the knife.

AAaaaah !
I told you there is a trick to learn !!!

the "push button" policy is really not good for our brains...

Let's be creative !

