Decision: Elishewitz, Crawford or Reeve ?


Jan 2, 1999

Have you ever been faced with the question: which custom maker knife should I go for ??

I can afford ONLY ONE of the following:

1. Chris Reeve Large Sabenza.

2. Pat Crawford Point Guard.

3. Elishewitz Ares or Ti-Specter

WHat would be your choice and why ???


AG; I have custom folders from Crawford and Elishewitz. I would suggest you go with the Sebenza (which is not actually a custom knife). Reason? Consistent very high quality, extremely friendly and helpful customer service, I have yet to hear of an owner who was dissatisfied with his knife.

Extremely rugged construction, and a user friendly design (they include an allen wrench with each knife so you can take it apart), good blade geometry, and extreme versatility; all these suggest the Reeve knife should be your first choice.

IMHO, of course. Walt
Leaving aside the fact that the Sebenza might not be, technically, "custom"...

I've handled all 3 knives, all have at least good ergonomics and are built well. For me, the fact that the Elishewitz and Crawford are both liner locks puts them at a severe disadvantage to the Sebenza. That's just me, but I want my one knife to have as trustworthy a lock as possible. Sebenza easy choice for me among the 3.

But if we substitute the Point Guard with a Carnivore w/ rolling lock, I have a way harder choice versus the Sebenza. Both knives now have great locks. The Carnivore has better ergonomics, in my opinion. The Sebenza has better blade steel (BG-42 versus ATS-34). And though I haven't cut with a Carnivore, I can pretty confidently predict the high hollow grind of the Sebenza will outcut the Carnivore's sabre grind. Although it's not as simple as that -- great ergonomics can make up for edge geometry to some extent.

My answer would probably be the Sebenza for my one folder, given that I prize edge geometry over just about everything (assuming a lock I can trust). Were I a bit more fighting-oriented, I would lean towards the carnivore I think, with it's incredibly solid grip ergonomics and pointier blade.

Thank you both for the input,

It seems that price-wise I am down to 2 choices:

Sabenza Vs. Crawford Point Guard Aluminum

tough ... tough .. tough ...

You guys helped though and I still wait for more inputs

Thanks and best regards from ISRAEL
I have had the Elishewitz and still have the Sebenza(s). My vote is cast for the Sebenza as the best buy in folders. They are consistant in their quality (very high), ergonomics and have the best edge retention I have found on a folder. I also have a M-2 AFCK and Spyderco 440V Military (another excellent choice). The BG-42 still seems to hold up better. Although there is nothing wrong with the Military either.
I own three Crawford folders and have a Rolling Lock KFF on order. Pat is great to talk to and is very accesible unlike some other makers out there. He actually answers his emails and phone calls. He will also work with you to give you what you want. I have routinely asked him to modify his knives to my liking (he actually made me a training knife). This is something you can't get with a factory knife. His construction and workmanship is top notch. He also provides great customer service. He has supplied a hex wrench and spline wrench to me free of charge when I wanted to remove my clips. He often doesn't charge return shipping when I send my knives back for work.

If you are thinking of using your knife for defense, then I would consider the Rolling lock KFF or Carnivore. Unlike most factories and some makers who will not advocate the use of their knives for defense, Pat understands the expectations of his fighters and will stand behind them.

I would highly recommend the Sebenza. Cliff Stamp couldn't have put it better when he said that it's a "fixed blade that folds".

Yep, the Sebenza.

Funny how there's always something 'new and improved' (what was wrong in the first place?).

The Sebenza is still the same, outstanding, sosund, enduring.

I recently asked Sal Glesser about the weapon aspects of one of his models for a city rat. His reply was any sharp pointy thing will work for a city rat.

Perhaps there are some fighting advantages to some models dressed out in tactical drag. But, are the results significantly different?

Ron Knight

Yeah I'm crazy, but what do you want me to do about it
I have owned knives made by all three makers.The only one i still have is the sebenza(large,small,umfaan).This is not meant to degrade the other makers in any way,i just personally think the sebenza is the best available.

I have blades from all three (see bottom for info on Terzuola, however)! The best made is the Sebenza (preferably decorated) - not just that it's a great design, but the QC is easily the best. Elishewitz is a very good designer. And Pat Crawford is a gentleman (his KFF is a handful!).

Have you considered Bob Terzuola. He has a great double ground blade (5/32nds!) on his fighting folder. I love it in titanium. Choosing between this (a great liner-lock) and the Sebenza (a great monolock) is a matter of taste. (For defense, I'd lean towards Terzuola; for all-around use the Sebenza.)


I've both the Sebenza and Specter. If I'm forced to choose between the two, my production made Sebenza would be the hands down winner – tighter fit and tolerance + rock solid locking mechanism.
Fulcrum, I have a Terzuola with titanium handles and I share your enthusiasm. It just feels well-built and high quality. And I l love the ergonomics. The one thing I've found on mine -- and also on some other Terzuola's I've handled -- is that the liner lock sometimes protrudes just a hair above the scales, and moves ominously leftward the tiniest bit when I grip firmly.

No big deal, this is simple enough to fix if you get one like this -- just send it back and he'll shave a hair off the liner. Otherwise, this knife passes all the liner lock tests with flying colors. One interesting note: both the blade tang and the end of the liner are angled somewhat. This is contrary to what every other knifemaker has told me -- they've said the tang should be angled but the liner has to be square. But Bob's lock is holding nicely anyway!

Well, to choose between those knives, I would have to know why you are getting those knives. If it is for light, casual use around home or office, I would go for the Aries because of its beautiful design and the nice quality. However, for more intense jobs and abusive situations, the Sebenza would be able to take the punishment much better due to its more rugged design.
I would go with the Sebenza for all of the reasons above, as well as my own selfish desire for an awesome well constructed knife. Not only that but Chris Reeve Knives cares more about their customers than anyone else I have dealt with yet. The warranty and service on all of their knives can not be beat.
Give one a try. Trust me you won't be disappointed.

Norwegian Misfit

"For the word of GOD is quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword...." Hebrews 4:12

[This message has been edited by William Johnson (edited 22 February 1999).]
That's a tough decision. Ferrari, Maseratti or Lamborghini. I have felt them all and was impressed with all of them. I would say that the edge on the Sebenza was by far the sharpest, literraly razor sharp.
This is a good problem. Sort of like choosing a beautiful blonde, brunette and redhead.

You can't go wrong with any of them. However, my vote is for the Sebenza. I own 2 of them, but I have handled both of the others and they are both great knives.

IMHO, the Sebenza is the strongest, best made knife in existence and should be a standard for quality. Every collector should have one AND use it.

For just 30 bucks, CRK will refinish it to new.

Hope this helps.
Thanks you all for the good advices,

I have bought yesterday a Large Sabenza and I am glad this dilema is behind me.

If some of you are interested in hearing more wise views on this issue , search for an old thread called "Why buy a sabenza..." - it also shows that the majority of knife users whould prefer a sabenza to most custom made knives.

thanks again