Leaving aside the fact that the Sebenza might not be, technically, "custom"...
I've handled all 3 knives, all have at least good ergonomics and are built well. For me, the fact that the Elishewitz and Crawford are both liner locks puts them at a severe disadvantage to the Sebenza. That's just me, but I want my one knife to have as trustworthy a lock as possible. Sebenza easy choice for me among the 3.
But if we substitute the Point Guard with a Carnivore w/ rolling lock, I have a way harder choice versus the Sebenza. Both knives now have great locks. The Carnivore has better ergonomics, in my opinion. The Sebenza has better blade steel (BG-42 versus ATS-34). And though I haven't cut with a Carnivore, I can pretty confidently predict the high hollow grind of the Sebenza will outcut the Carnivore's sabre grind. Although it's not as simple as that -- great ergonomics can make up for edge geometry to some extent.
My answer would probably be the Sebenza for my one folder, given that I prize edge geometry over just about everything (assuming a lock I can trust). Were I a bit more fighting-oriented, I would lean towards the carnivore I think, with it's incredibly solid grip ergonomics and pointier blade.