Desert MoFo's Who got lucky????

Sep 29, 2002
Anyone get any sort of confirmation yet? I ordered 40 some odd minutes after Jerry posted and am still not sure if that was fast enough. (Some of these oinkers are amazingly fast) Did anybody other than the 4 or 5 major oinks get any confirmation???

Call the shop 419-923-6471 and speak to Kassi to find out if you got one:D
I emailed Jerry 12 minutes after he posted. I have called the shop and was told Jerry will be getting the list together later this week. I hope I made the cut:confused: .


~Nuclear INFIdel and Aspiring INFI Hog~
The word I've heard is that they aren't sure yet, because they don't know the final numbers that they have available. I'm sure Jerry will be letting us know when they get it all worked out, however it isn't an easy wait. :D:D

Did call the shop. Talked to both Kassi and Jerry. Got the same answer.


It is an amazingly hard wait. I got more excited about thes than the MoFo's and PBF's combined.

Originally posted by Eric Isaacson
The word I've heard is that they aren't sure yet, because they don't know the final numbers that they have available. I'm sure Jerry will be letting us know when they get it all worked out, however it isn't an easy wait. :D:D

That's the way I understood it. They wouldn't know how many people would get one until they knew how many were left from the original order. I think the number in the 40s was a best guess. Feasibly, the original order could only leave 30 left over or 20 or 10 or god forbid 0! I am hoping it is close to 50, so I have more than a snow balls chance in hell of getting at least one. :D It is kind of hard to get your snout in the trough with Mr and Mrs. Skunk around.