Dexter: Got a GT Question

Hi Dexter,
I just finished reading your article regarding GT Knives in the June 99 issue of KI. It was a very well done article. I just bought a used but in excellent condition GT knife and was confused on a few points and was hoping you wouldn't mind clarifying it.
quest #1: Do you know how the spring-loaded lock works? Since this is encased I can't see the mechanism and was interested in how it works and what kind of reliability it has.

quest #2: Can you explain how the micro-adjustable thumb studs work? I notice they are adjustable but am confused on how it would tighten up the blade in case of wobble.

I remeber a while ago you posted that you thought these knives were sleepers and I can see why. I think it's an excellent knife.

Thanks for answering my questions and I look forward to your next article.


Oct 3, 1998
Hi Greg,

Thanks for the compliments. In response to your questions:

1) I cannot recall off the top of my head how the lock works. Somewhere I have an exploded view of the lock mechanism. Will find it for you and send it via email.

2) Micro adjusting thumbstuds - These are held into place via a hex screw. A hole is drilled into the blade to accomodate the placement of the studs. Imagine, if you will, a hole that is not perfectly round - one that is sort of oblong. This will allow one to move the studs fore and aft slightly to take up any slack that may occur. The hex screw locks the two studs into place. Should the knife develop slight up-and-down blade play, move the studs back towards the handle. Be sure to tighten the hex screw secure enough so they will not loosen from repeated openings, but not too tight should you need to re-adjust the lock up.

Hope I have answered your questions clearly. Should you need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask!

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator

"The keystroke is mightier than the sword"

Hi Dexter,
Thanks for answering my questions so quickly. Your explanation of the thumb studs makes perfect sense now that I realize they lay on the fore section of the handle and adjusting the screws like you said in case of up and down play will reestablish contact with the handle eliminating any movement. I get it now. Sometimes I'm a few Frecnh fries short of a happy meal.

Thank you.


I get it now. Sometimes I'm a few Frecnh fries short of a happy meal.

Greg - we all are a few fries short of a complete happy meal! If not we wouldn't be playing with dangerously sharp objects. LOL

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator

"The keystroke is mightier than the sword"
