I'm with dakota on the K-1 General Utility. It's a sturdy little knife, came from Bob *very* sharp, and so far has stayed that way over moderate occaisional use. The sheath is the cat's a$$ for keeping the knife handy yet out of the way. D2 doesn't seem to take a fine polish (that's my understanding, anyway), so the blade itself might not win any beauty contests, but the fit and finish of the blade to grips is very good. Grips are almost finished too well, they get a bit slippery at times. Well thought out and executed kydex work. And his wife is an absolute gem to work with. The first couple of days after I first called them, I changed my mind twice with blade thickness and micarta color, and each time it was, "No problem, dear, I'll change the order." A very pleasant purchasing experience, and a great knife, especially for the price. Let's keep this a secret, though. We don't want him charging more now, do we?