Dual-Lock and Car Blades

Jul 11, 2001
Alrighty then,

1st off how does one go about getting some of Nealy's Dual lock? Call him? I'd like to mount a Fixed blade in my car in a handy location and Dual-Lock sounds pefect for it as it will stay where you want it but you can still remove it and take it with you elsewhere. That's the idea any way. I'm looking to mount a CRKT Powolski (smegging hell I know I spelt that wrong) in my car and was thinking about hanging Cold Steels Urban Pal from my rear view mirror.
Was wondering if you guys keep blades handy in the car
Or if I should have put this in Practical Tactical
How you keep knives accessable in the car and where that sort of thing.
best I can tell what he uses is 3M Dual Lock. I've seen it in small narrow strips in a Hobby Lobby ( arts / crafts) store. Dunno where to find larger pieces though.

When you buy a Bud Nealy he puts extra pieces of 3M Dual-Lock in the package. I don't think you would be able to buy Dual-Lock from him though...you can always try but I say do an eBay search and a Yahoo search. In the instructions on how to use it says that if you move the Dual-Lock tape around to much it might not stick as well. It took me a few minutes on where to decide to put the clip. It holds real well though...I just don't want to make a habit of moving it around. BTW the directions also say to clean the chosen areas with rubbing alcohol and if you need to cut a piece try and avoid sharp edges...diagonally cut at each corner or try to round the corners off.

I always keep a fixed blade in my car! I like to take one of my small Grecos that have a leather pouch with me the most. I just make sure the sheath is secure enough between the seat and the console so I can have the knife resting (Not tightly secure)inside the pouch so I can then just pull it out of the pouch with no strugling for it. Works great for me...
I used to carry several knives in the car, hangin' off the mirror, strapped to the stick shift, under the dash, on the keys, than I read a post from a forumite about how when you get in an accident, that stuff all come flyin loose no matter how secure you think it is.

As for Dual-Lock goes check out some industrial supply house or McMaster Carr catalog.