
Jul 29, 2002
ebay?.....I have to say Ive seen some good deals on knives on ebay, and some really bad deals. It never ceases to amaze me how someone will pay more mony for a knife on ebay, than they can buy it off the web. Ive seen used knives go for much more than new ones (on web stores), and new ones go for more. So what is it? do some people not like to shop around, or is it the "excitement" of the auction? the good deals I can understand (the knives for decent prices, ect.), but the bad? :rolleyes:
why not shop around and save your money? now for anyone who likes ebay, please do not misunderstand this. Im trying to understand why someone would want to pay more money if they dont have to?

can anyone elaborate?
I go to ebay for good deals, but before I buy I shop around.

If it's for sale on ebay once odds are it'll be there again.

Now I sell on ebay, usually older production slipjoints, I've made a profit in most cases, and broke even in others, but ya gotta remember ebay is just a tool and like any other auction if you go in unprepared and without researching what you buy, than your doomed to your own stupidity if you payed more than you had to.
I found that there seems to be tendency of some people trying to push up the bid against you. They're not really bidding for it, because one they hit my bidding limit that I initially set up, they don't bid again.
I have to get this laptop battery (supposedly new), and this guy bid right up to my proxy bid limit, and then stop....
Some people are unaware of the good deals available on the web...

eBay is full of bargains, but also scams...you have to be careful.
I just wish retailers would stop flooding ebay with new knives that they have set the starting bid at prices similar to (or higher than) what online stores sell for. If they want to liquidate extra stock at a savings, that's ok.
I've used Ebay for discountiued models, and antiques. It saves more time than looking through endless dealer's catalogs. The thing is you've got to have a pretty firm knowledge of your subject matter, or you might get burned.

As to the odd prices you see there, well I think it's driven by new collectors, or the urge for the newest, latest toys. I think in the antiques realm, you've probably got a lot of new collectors who are seeing all these old & sometimes rare patterns in the "flesh" for the first time, and they figure they've got to buy it now, after all, it might not be there again. After a time, those feelings fade.
I've made many ebay purchases recently (over 100) for older folders. I've only been used 2 or 3 times, and that was from my stupidity in not asking enough questions. I too have got caught up in the bidding hype, I can't explain it, but it's like you just got to have that knife cause you haven't seen one like it in along time.

I've also caught myself from bidding higher than my max in a few cases. What gets me is a group of bidders ballooning the price up for an obviously crappy knife or knives. I just chuckle and move on.

How about the guys that keep listing the same sorry piece of junk, even though they never get any bids on it.

All in all, I've had good success on ebay, but as always, buyer beware, and if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
I feel eBay has great prices when it comes to high end production knives such as Spydies, BMs and many others. I get great deals... better deals than any online knife store.
There are two guys I swear by on eBay. They sell a great deal of knives. Thier ebay ID's are odomace and knifestore. One is actually Odom Ace Hardware and knifestore is Sawyers Cutlery. They sell lots of Benchmades at good prices...
Personally the adrenalin can get pumping when an auction is closing and I am bidding against others. I usually use it for limited runs or discontinued stuff, and its easy for your bids to get very high very quickly if it is something you really want.
If I see something that I know is current I look at prices on the web stores - if the price is lower then it can be a bargain!
If your lookin' for older folders, try the knife-princess, Cindy Taylor on Ebay, she always has fair deals and nice knives, I just saw a couple of Randals listed.

I just want to reiterate, the best Ebay deals are made by a well informed educated buyer, or as my Dad used to say, "know what yer gittin', an know what it's worth"
People don't want to pay more, they just get caught up in the excitement of wanting that knife and they are not well educated on the value of what they are bidding on.

I think T. Erdelyi's dad had the best advice;
Know what you are gittin, and know what it is worth.
I've had good luck on eBay buying but I don't do it too much.

I just scored a New Dozier Toothpick with the red dot for a ton less than the identical one at a knife retailer or from Bob. The market is soft right now so you just have to look out for the deals.

I also have had luck finding knives I wouldn't otherwise have exposure to. Like the one pictured by Canadian maker Mike Ouimette.

In my early days I got burned hard on a couple that were advertised as custom, and were not but you live and learn.

I always try to set a limit I'll spend on a knife before I start bidding as well as checking around if I'm not familiar with the maker or brand.

As for selling, generally i get a little more there than I can get in our for sale section but it's more hassle. The big advantage is there is a much more broad market, something that does not sell well here may sell great on eBay.
