EDC, which knife?

Jan 4, 2003
Hi i was wondering what is the best knife for EDC. It would be cliped to inside right pant pockets. I am looking for something inbetween 3 to 4 inches with PE. What is best Endura, Native, or Delica.

Musky Hunter
I hate to say it, but asking which Spydie is the best EDC is probably not going to generate any straight answers. They are all good, some better than others given your needs.

I'd go with the Endura, sheeple be damed.
I like the Endura and Delica better because they come in my favorite stainless steel, VG-10.

Unless you're a pretty savvy knife sharpener with good equipment, the 440V in the Native can be frustrating.

I personally prefer the Calypso Jr., but it is now discontinued. My next choice would be either the Endura or Delica.
Go for the Delica. Classic knife, awesome steel and the perfect size for an EDC.
I like the ergos of the Native. You can have a regular grip or choke up to the choil.
I do have the Endura, but I found myself not used to tip-up on that blade, and have to shift my hand to open it
My preference for EDC is my blue BladeForums G-10 Native PE. Although right now I'm test driving my new leaf-blade Lil' Temperance for a few days :D

The FRN Delica was my first Spydie and is also a good choice for EDC. The FRN Endura was my second Spydie but I found it a bit large for EDC.
For the last three or fout months my EDC has always been two, and sometimes three knives.
Inside RF pocket has been (until this week) the VG-10 Navigator. Now that duty has been assumed by a Wegner Mouse.
Clipped to the RF Pocket is usually my FRN PE Native, sometimes rotated with my PE or SE Milie.
Ocaisonally, clipped to LF pocket is an SE Calypso Jr.

musky hunter

As a basic member I can't post pictures here so I sent them to you by email.
I recommend a new Blue Delica. It's a very handy size and very light weight.

I like the Endura too, but if you're going to go that big you might as well go for the G-10 Police or the Military model. You would not regret it.

Good luck,
I recently came across a G10 Standard, which I picked up without hesitation. IMO it's perfect for edc because it's the same size as the Delica, but with a flatter handle and an adjustable pivot screw.

You can't go wrong with a lightweight, plain-edged Delica - the newest model with VG-10 steel.

Incidentally, I love reading elsewhere on the forums when folks are trying to compare other non-Spydies in this price point to the Delica or Endura. The kicker is always in the steel. In this price range, you won't find a better knife with a comparable steel, period.
If I had to choose just 1 knife for the rest of my days it would be the Endura FRN CE, it's light, strong, flat aganist the body, holds a edge great and is easy to resharpen.
VG-10 IMO is the best steel avalible today with ATS-55 a close 2nd.
The jury is still out for me on 440V basically because I haven't had a chance to use my new Mille enough to have to resharpen. Ron
Out of those three knives I'd take the Native, because it just fits perfectly into the hand. I have an older one, but want to buy an newer model with the CPM-440 steel as an alternative edc.
Hey, Musky Hunter. If at all possible, you need to handle all three knives to see "feels" the best to you. If you go by looks (and this is just my opinion) the Native is the best looking. I was just getting back into knives and had picked up the the May 1999 issue of Tactical Knives magazine. I thought "Wow, a magazine about nothing but knives! Cool!!" Well, there is an article about the new 98 Delica, Endura, and Rescue with a side-bar article about the new Native. I was carrying a Michael Walker Spyderco that I had picked up at a gun show in Fort Smith and I loved it but the handle was just too small for my hand and I didn't like the plastic pocket clip. I saw the picture of the Native and ordered one on the spot. I carried it for a while and then I went to A.G. Russell's and handled a 50/50 Delica. It fit my hand like it was made for it, and has hardly left my pocket these last four years. Even though I still think that the Native looks better, (sexier, cooler, whatever...I just love the way that spear-point looks! :cool: ) the Delica fits my hand so much better that it is my EDC.

Serrated Native in S30V. What a knife! You must obtain at least ONE of these. I've only been carrying mine for a little over a week and already know that it's "the one". Killer ergos, freaky sharp edge, smooth action, and a surgically fine tip. The Native is a lot of bang for the buck. :)
Which knife for EDC? The question sounds like you want us to pick ONE! God, what a problem that would be. The fun is getting up in the morning and picking from an extensive list of possibilities for today's carry. Spyderco has so many great styles, lengths, colors to choose from. Why limit yourself to one. Get at least one small knife for when you are around sheeple. Get a medium size to handle the bulk of your EDC needs and one large for carrying when you go out at night and the vampires are about. Then when you get more money buy as many as you can afford just because they are great to have.