It struck me that in all the years I've pulled a knife to use it (99.99% of the time for utility), I've had varied reactions from other people. Here is my favorite and least favorite:
Years ago I was shopping at Price Savers, a monstorous warehouse grocery store. A friend of mine, unbeknownst to me, was shoplifting (we parted ways inside the store, he told me to "go ahead" the jerk). An irritating little security guard grabbed me when I reached the car, and tried to drag me into his office. I shook him off, and went on my own accord. When I reached his office the security guy frisked me, and found two balisongs in my back pockets. He just about had an orgasm, he was so happy to have gotten into the "big leagues" up from simple shoplifting to misdemeanor concealed weapons. He immediately called the police. I sat there sweating for a while until the police showed up. When they did, the security guard had forgotten all about my "friend's" thievery, and waved my balis in the faces of the officers. They took the knives from him, looked at each other, shrugged, and gave me the knives back right there. I put them back in my pockets while the police cuffed my "friend" and dragged him off. The reaction of the police was precious, but the reaction of the security guard was gold. He had an expression on his face that looked like somebody had kicked him in the jimmy while lighting his hair on fire. It makes me smile just thinking about it. . .
My least favorite reaction of others came just a couple of years ago when I was at a party in a new city. They desperately needed a package cut open, so I whipped out my BM auto spike without thinking, cut the package open and had the knife back in my pocket within a second (stupid, stupid, stupid). Well, no one spoke to me for the rest of the evening, and even now when I see some people I met at the party and I say "hello" they look the other way and move on rapidly.
Any other favorite/least favorite reactions?
P.S. If you're wondering why the police reacted that way, in certain cities in Utah it's still legal to carry balis and switchblades, but you have to be careful because each juristiction is different.
Years ago I was shopping at Price Savers, a monstorous warehouse grocery store. A friend of mine, unbeknownst to me, was shoplifting (we parted ways inside the store, he told me to "go ahead" the jerk). An irritating little security guard grabbed me when I reached the car, and tried to drag me into his office. I shook him off, and went on my own accord. When I reached his office the security guy frisked me, and found two balisongs in my back pockets. He just about had an orgasm, he was so happy to have gotten into the "big leagues" up from simple shoplifting to misdemeanor concealed weapons. He immediately called the police. I sat there sweating for a while until the police showed up. When they did, the security guard had forgotten all about my "friend's" thievery, and waved my balis in the faces of the officers. They took the knives from him, looked at each other, shrugged, and gave me the knives back right there. I put them back in my pockets while the police cuffed my "friend" and dragged him off. The reaction of the police was precious, but the reaction of the security guard was gold. He had an expression on his face that looked like somebody had kicked him in the jimmy while lighting his hair on fire. It makes me smile just thinking about it. . .
My least favorite reaction of others came just a couple of years ago when I was at a party in a new city. They desperately needed a package cut open, so I whipped out my BM auto spike without thinking, cut the package open and had the knife back in my pocket within a second (stupid, stupid, stupid). Well, no one spoke to me for the rest of the evening, and even now when I see some people I met at the party and I say "hello" they look the other way and move on rapidly.
Any other favorite/least favorite reactions?
P.S. If you're wondering why the police reacted that way, in certain cities in Utah it's still legal to carry balis and switchblades, but you have to be careful because each juristiction is different.