Finish question -AK47

Jun 17, 2004
Hi, everyone!
I have been playing around with my AK pretty much nonstop since it has arrived. I just love it more and more!
It has the tan crinkle finish. What kind of finish is it, and how durable should I expect it to be?

Thanks a lot!
Hey Rooikat,

I don't know about the composition of the finish, but the tan is notably more durable than the black. :thumbup:
Thanks for the quick response!
The reason I asked was, my sword is develping shiny spots, apparently from the cardboard sheath. Is this normal?
I am wondering what is going to happen if I actually cut something.:(
This is my first Busse, so I am not sure what to expect as far as wear goes.
My wife's SwampRat Rat tail still looks like new (it has a black crinkle coat) and it has been in and out of kydex dozens of times.

as you can kind of see in this picture, It smooths out and gets shiny, but stays pretty much intact. It is pretty tough stuff.
The tan coating is very robust, and smooths out to a sort of shiny surface.

I’m hoping that the urban grey will be similar.
Thanks for the information! That is what I suspected about the finish, but was not sure. Agasin, this is my first Busse, so I am in the learning stage.
I'm not worried about rust, as postings I have read mention that Busse steel is not rust prone.

Thanks a lot for posting the picture, for now I know what to expect. Nice touch, throwing the Rat tail in there for the shot. :)
Rat Finkenstein-
What model Busse is that in the pic? it looks like a nice size for carrying, or at least a little more compact than my AK.