For Our Brave Men And Women In The Armed Forces...

Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
Take a moment to remember our brave men and women who stand at the gate.

May they be blessed, may they return safely, and may their families be comforted until their loved ones return.

We all hope and pray for a quick end to this war.

God speed,

Jerry and Jennifer Busse
May God speed and bring you home safely and quickly. My prayers are with you.

P.S. I hope you kick the crap out of them;)
Yes, bless them not only with safety, but bless them to use the power they have to act in all rightousness for the protection of freedom everywhere. Bless them to remove an evil that threatens us all.

Let us all some of the reasons remember why we are here:

Marine Barracks Beirut Lebanon 243
PAN AM Flight 103 244
World Trade Center, NYC, NY 6
Khobar Towers Dhahran, SA 19
USS Cole Aden, Yemen 17
World Trade Center, NYC, NY
Pentagon, Washington DC 3000+
United Airlines FLight 93

My daughter is on one of the carriers currently deployed in the this
"exorcism". She's mad and so are about 9000 of her battlegroup
shipmates. As a father, I am pleased and proud she has assumed the mantle of protection for this nation along with so many others.

I ask only that if you pray, pray continuously for all of our military that are getting ready to step forward once again to protect and defend us all.

Make them swift, make them sure, make them safe.

My deepest thanks to all of them and their families.
Let us also thank the President and our allies who have enough intestinal fortitude to fight the fight to protect our safety and rights...And God Bless the fact that we live in a place where we can voice our opinions and hope that we can have good debates on anything...

It is my hope that anyone who has the interest in current events, international affairs and national security, take the time to gather their own intelligence and look at all sides of an issue to better understand how and why things may happen...

Knowledge is Power!

I hope this can end soon and that Korea dosen't try anything stupid...they should know WE mean business!

I have been praying daily for all of our soldiers, especially those overseas, and will gladly continue to do so. As do the vast majority of Americans, I greatly appreciate all the brave men and women who serve our country - thank you for your service!

I hope and pray that the only casualties are those who are responsible for all of this. Too many innocent people have already died.
Make it quick, make it sure, and make it right!!!:cool:
Amen to the posts above.

While not separated from loved ones, not waiting poised in both bravery and fear, not fighting the sand, the heat of a protective suit, the uncertainty, the anxiety and the realities and horror of combat, we here stateside can take up a meaningful support role for our troops in the operations.

In addition to the outward display of support for our troops and their cause, we should never underestimate the power of prayer. Prayer-warriors here and our best there - evil doesn't have a chance.
Hey guys and gals,

My brother pointed this out to me. Tony Blair's address to parliment. I have to respect those Brits. They're always with us.

Anyway, the speech is really really good. It outlines 12 years of deceit and deception by Saddam as well as just why he (Blair) feels this action is necessary. You can't argue with any of the facts he presents, and it's a good read for those of you who know people who are questioning our actions there.,12956,916790,00.html
Too True! Best wishes to the troops and safe returns!
