FSH price?

Nov 16, 2005
I found one for sale, and I can't remember what they sold for. If I bought it, I would use it for trade barter as it is too large for my use. What's a good price?
FSH02 Fusion Steel Heart - Desert Tan finish, tan canvas micarta scales. 1 $327.00

Here's one of mine. Hope it helps. :thumbup:
Thanks, I think I'm going to pass on this one. If anyones looking for one, it's on ar15.com for $400 looks like black on black.
winmagfrog said:
Thanks, I think I'm going to pass on this one. If anyones looking for one, it's on ar15.com for $400 looks like black on black.

It's in nice shape, try offering $350 -375 shipped. I dont think there will be any more coming out of the company store.