I second the Benchmade Warren Osborne series. The 921 Switchback is good looking and great working. Great for gentlemanly tasks of opening bags of rock salt, cat food, and cat litter, piercing and cutting aluminum cans, and cutting down boxes. Aside from the soda can thing, it stayed shaving sharp down all of the other tasks and looked elegant and refined the entire time. Wish I could say the same for me. It also has a 440C slipjoint blade for those of us who needed something to use until getting over our fear of using the 3.3" S30V modified Wharncliffe main blade. The handle holds the knife very securely in your hand while you pierce materials or slice or withdraw through sticky materials.
And now for the downsides:
The stainless clip could chew the pockets of your pants. I believe it wore out the pocket on a pair of my dungarees and has nibbled another.
The handle is only in Benchmade Blue. If you don't like that color, you might be able to enjoy how well it cuts. The handle is also aluminum with an almost smooth finish. If you prefer carbon fiber, wood, bone, or the finish on the 94x Benchmade Osborne series, it could diminish your enjoyment.
My advice: buy extra slacks, like the color blue and the feel of aluminum in your hand. It's too wonderful of a knife to not own, use, and enjoy.