Good First 'Hawk?

Jun 29, 2002
Which 'hawk would make a good first purchase? I played around with a cheap little 'hawk (maybe it was a Cold Steel) a little while ago, but I wasn't impressed with the quality. I'm looking for something a little nicer...

I think the Next Generation Ranger is a little much for a first purchase. Same with the LaGana T3. It pretty much comes down to the Roger's Ranger or Vietnam. Which one should I get?

Finally, a couple quick questions. Is the Brend the only 'hawk suitable for throwing? Also, who offers carrying systems for the ATC 'hawks? Which one do you think is best?
Only have the Brend currently, and if I were to get a second ATC it would be either the NG Ranger or Vietnam. The Nam has a blade with no belly, but also has a sharpened edge underneath, plus a nice long spike. While the Ranger is a basic hawk shape with no spike (edit: forgot that there is a optional spiked model).

It's really up to you to decide which of these blade styles is best suited for your needs. Might help if you can elaborate on what they are.

As far as throwing, that's really the primary purpose of a hawk, so if it isn't suitable then it shouldn't be called a hawk. The Brend is technically a hatchet, though more of a mini-hawk in design, I've tossed it several times now and actually stuck a few:) The price and being made from a single, and very solid, slab of steel make it an excellent starter piece if you plan on throwing it around the backyard a lot.
Originally posted by hadron
It's really up to you to decide which of these blade styles is best suited for your needs. Might help if you can elaborate on what they are.

As far as throwing, that's really the primary purpose of a hawk, so if it isn't suitable then it shouldn't be called a hawk.

I suppose I would just buy it to mess around with, but I'm sure it would come in handy on a backpacking trip.

As far as throwing goes, I figured they were meant to be thrown, but I wanted to make sure...
Sounds like the Brend is perfect for you: reasonably small and light for backpacking, yet able to handle sizable chopping jobs. Combined with a good fixed blade (CRK Sable would be my choice) nary a job that can't be handled. Plus it's fairly cheap so when you start throwing it, and you will want to, damage isn't a huge concern.
How does the Acetal handle feel? I would guess that a sythetic handle would be more durable, but I'm wondering about the feel.

I am leaning towards the Vietnam Tomahawk, and I was wondering if the Tactical Grade would be worth the price difference...
I got the Brend as my first hawk. I love it. Great price and a super tool. I thought it was a good starting place. I will get others, but for now the Brend is a fun, low cost starting place to get into hawks.
I would also recommend the Brend. I have done all kinds of throwing and chopping and beating with mine. I LOVE it. Do a search for Brend and I bet you will not find a neg. about it. Now as for hawk #2? I'm still trying to decide that one myself, every time I decide on the next gen ranger, the Vietnam Tac pulls me back in:D Maybe I'll just save until I can get 'em both!