

Gold Member
Jul 26, 2002
Hello everyone. I am looking to purchase a Gunting.Where are the best prices and websites to purchase at? Also if I wanted to buy a knife and drone could they have matching serial numbers. Also any sheath suppliers kydex or leather. How about video tapes I am interested in instructors series. Are there any instructors out in the California are? Thanks alot for all your input.
I don't know best sites to buy..someone else will have to help you out..
Holsters? try makes the official Gunting holsters...
As for Gunting Instructor series tapes? Contact George @ 1-800-340-9664 @ Video Quest Productions....
As for matching numbers? I doubt it..They haven't been numbered for a long time...and they weren't sold as matching sets so the numbers were just sent out randomly...except for those of us that requested it to start with...way back might find someone with a matched set willing to sell but I doubt it..ROFL....

Where in CA are you..North, Middle or Southern?...

be safe..
Thanks so much for the quick reply. I am out in So Calif. Do you recommend the drone or the set from edges2 or both? I have been quite happy with their trainers. When are you coming out this way and what are the seminar fees? Are their any websites that show some video of the techniques? Thanks. has the lowest price I have found on the web. The next lowest, which is NOT eknifeworks, but Bayou Lafourche Knifeworks, which is a dealer I have used twice with very quick and courteous service. New Graham lists the drone and trainer both on their website, but Bayou Lafourche may have the drones, if you call. For a dealer who may beat them both, try Linda at . She does not have a website or online ordering, but has an excellent reputation for service and low prices.
You have a fellow forumite listing a numbered set, along with the tapes. Check the Exchange forum.
Too Late!!:D :cool: I got that numbered set with tapes!! Happy dance being done:rolleyes: I love them also. Very good design and great quality of manufacture. I can't wait to go to one of Brams classes next!!:cool: :D I hope he makes it to Mass..
Want to "SAVE" you from a lot of pain,soreness & evil intent,why don't you just sell me all of it to add to my G
Are you telling me that you would have room, with all those M43's and all to fit in these Guntings also? The cave must be deeper than I envisioned!!:eek: :D I am actually excited about the chance to train with these babys. I hope that Rob and I will get to go to one of Brams classes this spring in Mass. That way, when we finally meet you in person, we might have a slight chance to keep up with you!;) :D
Welcome to the club,Bram is a great guy & instructor! KEEP UP WITH me!!:confused: AWWW,YOU GUYS HAVE SURPASSED ME,YOU ALL ARE YOUNG ,TOUGH & MEAN,me,I'm old slow & feeble! Make you & Rob a bet!! Bet you can't take just "one" of Bram's seminars!!Like chips,you will have to take another!Training with Bram is great,you find yourself vol.for him to demo on you,you can't believe how much you retain & you can't believe how fast the seminar goes! Bam!! it's over,you can't wait for the next one(even if you have to travel to get to it),you will also start carrying your G everywhere,& love the NEW practice dummys,people who say,"DOESN'T WORK,SHOW ME"!HEE!
Jimmy's tells the truth about after the seminar, the G goes every where you go. I dont leave home with out my drone clipped in, ready to convert non believers.
Great you got the vids too. keeps ya sharp and helps refine the basics.

Old, slow and feeble my butt!! your just trying to keep us off guard, eh??<--(canadian flavor:D ) Old usually means experienced. Im pretty sure you could show us a few things.
Oh, BTW, Do you ever travel out to teach with Bram for long distance seminars? Next Vancouver Seminar is comming up in the summer, be cool if you came up.

Be Strong,
Jim, Bolo,
Thanks for the welcome into the fold. Fold,:eek: is that what I will be doing as the test dummy?:cool: That is cool,I really enjoy pain for a cause. It has been years since I was bent,twisted and mutilated. Time to get back into the swing.
Jim, I know better than to fall for the old man routine. I have met too many "old" men that could seem suprisingly young when the need arose. Much to the dismay of some cocky youngsters. I have learned to be wary, and say sir!;) :p
cpk: welcome to the family, What these guys are saying is true. You'll have a great time learning about this crazy tool.
Definately volunteer to be the demonstration dummy, it really "drives" home how effective the Gunting can be. On the other hand you have to realize that Bram has been doing this longer then anyone else (duh) and his technique is as good as humanely possible. If your going after a technique and it's not working, DON"T CHASE IT, move on, slam and jam a little more and try one of the other techniques. You'll quickly realize which techniques suit you best.
I just got my Skunksworks sheaths in. Very nice looking work and good quality also. I was testing my draw from the sheath with the live blade and tested with a quick draw and strike with the blades ramp on the back of my hand.:o :( Holy cow did that hurt!! Not to mention when I looked at the spot I struck, there was a small cut with very light bleeding! Bram sure is not kidding, every part of this knife can inflict pain. Without ever opening it. I will make sure not to strike myself with the live ramp again. Stick to the drone!:rolleyes: Less embarressing that way. I am getting fonder and fonder of these Guntings as I work with them more! Nice stuff!!
hehe....Just got my sheath in too. I love how easy it is to draw and holster the gunting with it, and also how positive the lock is.

Learning the hard way, eh? Dont worry, even with the rounded ramp on the drone you'll get some marking...bruises from a tommahawk or gunting, fang marks on your neck from the back horns, and my favorite, what I like to call ":D RAMP RASH :D" when you get KinOped on and the ramp leaves a good scrape [got a mean lookin keeper on my forearm so I'm picking at it so it will scar(ya, im sadistic like that :D)] List goes on... Well, the point is, dont forget to bring home souveneirs from training...hmm...
:confused: ... actually, thats not really the point....oh ....... I know...

Originally posted by lunumbra
Cry in the Dojo, Laugh on the Battlefield!
(awsome quote, lunumbra!)
Ramp Rash! That's funny!:D That happened to me at my first seminar. Nice to have a name for it.....