Help!bm 710hs or 705bt for everyday carry?

Feb 20, 2003
I like the McHenry and Williams style knives in the 710 and 705.I am just worried about the size factor in my purchase.Please help.
I like my 710...It isn't really that big for such a large blade. As long as it is legal in your area, get the 710HS.
I think it will come down to hand size. The 705 is great for me, but I have slim fingers and smaller hands. But it's not a small knife, either. The handle is fairly thick for a ~3" folder.

Of course, a lot of people love the M2 steel in the 710HS.

BIG difference in size. You should really try to handle before you buy. For a long time, BM fans have been looking for something between the two in size--like a "707".:cool:
I was in the same position of deciding and went for the 710. I can get away with the longer blade at work. The 705 is on my list. I am now an axis lock convert. Good luck, I don't see how you can go wrong.
I prefer the 710 over the 705...If legal I would suggest the 710.
The longer blade is better for leverage. I find it better to have too much blade then not enough....

Knifenerd....a "707" would be cool...:cool:
Whichever feels most comfortable.

If you don't have firsthand experience with either and can legally bop around town with a 3.9" blade, get the 710HS. It's wonderful.
I have to agree with the 710HS, very nice knife and even though it has an almost 4" blade, its not too big to carry every day. It fits very nicely in the pocket and you can't go wrong with the AXIS lock. This is probably my favorite knife right now.
Good Evening All-

Browning@MC, I have a variety of Benchmades, including the classy 705 with G-10 grips. Mine is a plain-edge that arrived razor-sharp from the factory. One other thing to remember is that unlike the 705, the 710 has a bit of recurve to the size isn't the sole difference between these knives.

My 705 is very nice for office carry (especially in sheeple-rich environments), but you may find one of the AFCK or Mini-AFCK variants to be more utilitarian and easier to deploy. This knife can slice through envelopes like they're not even there. One of these days, I'm going to slip off the stud and slice my thumb open. This is a worry that I NEVER have to consider with my Mini-AFCK because your thumb seats securely in the opening hole.

Depending on your locale, employment, and day-to-day activities, that could help you chose your next knife. My 705 does daily duty Monday through Friday, but I migrate to larger knives on the weekend.


~ Blue Jays ~
Love the 705. Lately my edc. Great ergonomics, cuts like a bigger knife, very sheeple friiendly. As mentioned above, try to handle them both. Josh
In DC and in many jurisdictions, 3 inch+ plus blades are no nos.
If you travel, is it worth the cost of a second knife you can't carry with you? Not to me. I like the 710. But I also like to live within the law. It's a tradeoff. A smaller blade is probably not as useful as a weapon. But, getting busted on a concealed weapons charge or the risk of it is much worse in my opinion. Go with the 705.

The 705 is probably the ideal size for EDC and should handle any chore that might arise. That being said, I'd buy the 710HS, and cut with "gusto"!:p