Hollow-ground vs. flat-ground

Flat ground, for the same reason I prefer plain edged over serrated edged.
A hollow ground blade can be very good at certain cuts (in the same way that serrated blades are very good at other cuts), but a full flat plain edge is good at ALL cuts. it Particularly comes into it's own on cuts where the material to be cut is thicker than the blade is wide.
Full bevel flat ground. I like full bevel convex grinds too.

I find that I have a easier time cutting with these geometrys.
Depends on how deep the cut is, and how "sticky" the material is. Sometimes a flat grind will bind to the material being cut. But I usually carry a flat grind knife.
I use to prefer flat gind blades, but I have a little Spyderco Navigator that has me rethinking the hollow grind. I also have a Keith Coleman custom that is a very high hollow grind that will get some pocket time and see how that works out. Right now I'm a little bit undecided about the Flat vs. Hollow grind issue.
I like a full flat grind the best. It just seems to cut better than a hollow grind.

Originally posted by AlphalphaPB
Depends on how deep the cut is, and how "sticky" the material is. Sometimes a flat grind will bind to the material being cut. But I usually carry a flat grind knife.
For some materials, flat grind have more surface that it will stick to.
Hollow grind is generally great for shallow cuts, while flat grind is like a general purpose cutter.
I like a nice high hollow grind, best of both worlds. Blackwood does a good one, Onion as well. And I do prefer my standard Sebenza to the flat ground version.