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horizontal gunting carry

Nov 20, 2001
I swear I saw a tek lok sheath, horizontal carry for the G, but the clip was on the ouside, not the inside (like the gunting museum's upcoming) Am I crazy, otr what?
Not crazy. That sheath is done by Mike Sastre of survivalsheath.com.
You guys were close. Bob Humelbaugh of Survival Sheaths makes a holster with the clip outside. ;)
I think the key point is that lots of good kydex makers are experimenting with different and exciting ways of carrying & deploying the Gunting & it's derivatives...
That's GREAT..
My official maker of course..Frank @ Skunkworks
and then a growing chorus of talented people...such as..
Mike @ River City
Bob @ Survival Sheaths
maybe soon Tim @ Blade Tech...

I appreciate all your efforsts to dream up ways of carruy and I truly appreciate al the holsters makers for attempting to bring those ideas to life...

be safe

PS; I have horizontal carries from Frank as well as behind the back..
Hey Bram..

Geeeez!!What about me ??? :):):)

Then again I don't make a Gunting holster,, but then again, maybe I should and show these guys how its done..:D LOL


Eric;;Oh god..my mistake..Look guys..Eric makes GREAT Kydex..
Look chaulk it up to extreme stress and senior moments..that I forgot to mention him
Eric's Perrin holster is freaking great...extremely well made..
I'm sure if he made a Gunting rig it would be very very cool..
Eric..forgive me!

Hey Bram...

I was just teasing you...

Thanks though..:)

I'll leave the Gunting rigs to the experts..:)


Get on the stick, Eric, and crank some out:p I already told someone you make them in some other thread..
yes make some..make some cool Gunting holsters..
Come to my 50th Birthday Bash-Gunting Seminar in Vamncouver July 19-20...
its on Steve's site..Warriornorth.com

be safe
Nobody corrected nor pointed out my typos? hmmmm
I feel rejected...
Dijos came to Arnis class tonight.. I hope Joe got a feel for where the knife work fits in..ROFL..

Bram, I loved it! I'm definitely coming to the G seminar next month as well as Tuesdays...I have suprisingly few welts from the CRIMPT, thanks for taking it easy on me! What a system-intuitive and clear. I am so excited to do this..And the TUSOK is incredibly cool..If you are thinking about going to one of Bram's seminars, DO IT! really great instructor, nice guy. Thanks, Bram