My dad, and granddad, basically got me started, they planted the seed, they gave me my first knives, I remember my Nagypapa,(hungarian for grandfather) used to make all kinds of neat stuff, willow whistle, and flutes, sling shots, cork popguns, and whillygigs.
I used to watch him at the end of the day, the last thing he'd do before takin' out his teeth was to give the blade a lick or two on the stone, hell the blade was worn down so far it looked like the seed pick on one of those old folding silver fruit knives,sucker was sharp though.
The real collectin'/accumulatin' started, in the early 80's when I was a mechanic at uniform rental place.
They have to go through the pockets of all the uniforms before they're washed, people leave the strangest stuff in their pocket, money/change, jewelry, tools, drugs

, and knives.
90% of this stuff is never claimed, the guys that went through the pockets all had more knives than they could use so they started givin' to the new guy, ME

. The first one was a Victorinox Executive, wasn't until years later that I found out that the little Guthook wasn't for openin' little critters, it was for peelin' oranges.
After that I became known as the knife knut/guy, anyone had a knife they didn't want or need, I'd wind up with them, I've got knives from friends that belonged to their dads, or granddads, they come from all over.
I have a decent size collection, with some nice pieces, a lot of old production slipjoints, a few custom pieces,(hopefully more soon), and a lot of modern production tacticals.
So far there's no pattern to my madness, I just get what I like, unfortunately I like everything.