How often do you train with your Gunting?


Apr 16, 2002
How frequently are you 'G' active? One thing I'm starting to find is that the wounds and scratches and such don't heal in time for the next training session. Is there anyway that you could possibly train for more than 2 or 3 days in a row? Even with the drone there is still possibility for a lot of hurting.

How are you nursing your 'ramp' wounds?

One thing I like about the training is how each of us are attracted to a different feature or aspect of the Gunting. My first reaction is always the KinOp and I find that it works for me and I get better at it. I know for aXed that she seems to use the ramp a lot. And she loves to ram that thing into my chest...effective as hell on anyone she's tried it on.

Gotta say that its pretty fun when 3-4 of us get together and we're all training with the Drones. Some pain, some laughs and some improvements to add each time.
Strangely enough a Gunting "community" hasn't coalesced here in NYC yet. I do practice solo quite often, but it doesn't create the wound problems that you are talking about. I did experience "ramp rash" and of course the "dot bruise" of ramp hits at the seminars I've attended. The friends that I've suckered into demonstrations won't come with in arms reach any more. (Wimps!;) )
Solo,& with students,I'm sorry,I can't help with the healing or PAIN,doesn't affect me that much!! Hard to believe THAT "SWEET ,YOUNG LADY"could hurt THAT much!!Bok,get real she can't hit that HARD,she's a little thing! LOL!!
Jim is that you? What happened to your other account?

Well the 'sweet little thing' and a few others are training tomorrow. My arms have only just recovered from last times session.
HOK gang: try going hard only 5% of the time 95% of the time work on timing, distancing, ability to flow...counter to counter....
After a while you'll find the bumps & grinds are minimal..cause you're not trying to ZAP each other all the time..
Yes..each of you wil find what suits you best..
Lunumbra:I haven't heard from Tito..for awhile..
He must be back from FLETC...

be safe

Originally posted by Kukri4302
Solo,& with students,I'm sorry,I can't help with the healing or PAIN,doesn't affect me that much!! Hard to believe THAT "SWEET ,YOUNG LADY"could hurt THAT much!!Bok,get real she can't hit that HARD,she's a little thing! LOL!!

Jim... She dont need to hit hard with the gunting to make it effective. I got the bruises to prove it! Im having fun ( as usual) watching BOK getting beat up by axed. We got her pretty agressive too. Started to develop a bit of Kina Mutai in her SD for last resort. :D

gonna have fun tomorrow!
Yeah ,that's me,it's my laptop name,other is my work location!!
Bolo,understand,but Bok was whimpering sooooo bad!LOL!!
Damn! I always get bashed on these Gunting threads...hmmmmm maybe you guys are intimidated by me?;)

But yeah today was a good session. I think you'd be proud Bram. We're getting a lot of good use out of your tool.

KinOp is my fave feature of the tool right now. Caught aXed with it a few times today. Also managed to get in a good 'sparring' session with Bolo.

Thanks for the tip Bram. I need to work more on my timing and finesse. I have a tendency to tense up and be a bit of a 'struggler' at times.
Alright you guys, next training session, I'll show you three how to use the gunting........hahaha ;)
man...good session today...went through 5 reactions in horizzontal vertical...we did some light sparring knife vs knife, empty hand vs us keep it real on how much of an equilizer a knife is vs an unarmed attacker. better to run than take chances with an ego. Tried to keep things simple, but still stayed creative to have a feel what works best for ourselves. Also shed lots of light on what we could use some work on.

Bram: what would be ideal for eye protection for knife sparing. Ive used squash goggles before, but is there anything else you would recomend?
I use Z leader NY Model safety goggles..
they keep it off of your face and eye orbit aswell as protect the eye..the glasses -goggles have sides and bottom protection..
much better than safety or shooters glasses..
You can buy them @ Atheltic stores or off of their web site..
thanks for training safely

Thanks for the lead and standards to go by. Ive been doing my homework, and turns out not any of the leader distributers in the Vancouver area that carry the NY model, but I have been recomended toward a few of the Wilson Omni model. Im gonna have a look see today to make sure they protect on the sides and bottom.
Bolo: get all the HOK gunting gang together..ask Tiny and get an order together for Goggles..then get one of the area Leader group distribs to order them for you..
I mean'd be ordering 7-10 pair of goggles..Thats enough to add to any order..
then you get what you want...
hmmm I just went to Z Leader site,,they've changed a bit..OK the LAX model is very cool..its made for Lacrosse..if it takes thart it will take sticks & knives.ROFL...
Originally posted by BOK

How are you nursing your 'ramp' wounds?

To answer my own question here Vitamin E lotion makes the healing process a lot faster.

My arms weren't looking too pretty for the ladies!