how particular are you??

Jul 29, 2002
When ordering knives sometimes I will call the customer service of a dealer and ask them to pick one out, or if online I will send them an email and requset if they will pick one out. I dont always do this, but more times when I do, I often get a good knife (finish, ect.).
When in a store I will always check the knife over and if not satisfied go through them until I find one, or none.

when it comes to ordering knives, from either on the phone or online, how particular are you? will you ask someone in customer service to pick it out (give them a criteria)? or is it not a concern for you? Or if you go into a store will you go through them until your satified with one?
I ask my supplier to check them over when she gets them, in the rare event anything got past the QC at Spyderco.

in the stores, I'll check the ones in stock till I find one that has smooth operation and good lockup[ie very little to no movement when locked]. Yah, it probably gets them irritated when they have to pull out 4-5 knives to sell one, but I'm still a satisfied customer.
I prefer my knives not checked out by anyone other than the manufacturer or custom knife maker. Why? I dunno! I guess to keep it fresh as it was from the maker or manufacture with out a million finger prints on it from people other than them handling it. That's just me because I am picky.
Heck, come to think of it, when I have purchased duplicate production knives before, I somethimes never even opened up the box it came in, just stuck it away for the future. For all I know, a piece of wood or something could have been put in that box and it would have been a long time before I even noticed! Ouch!
Most of the time, in my experience at least, the guy who takes your order, has nothing to do with pulling the knife for shipment. Even if he does, I'm sure with all the other orders he has to pull, he doesn't have time to search their stock and check QC. Therefore, I don't even bother. Now, in the store, I definitely will check their stock for the "right" one.

I usually call the customer service and ask. Ag russells cuts srv people will look (usaully) if they have time. Roger @ bayou lafourche will look them over if you request. New Graham knives will look them over for you.

There are other places that will if they can, you just have to ask.
I usually call the customer service and ask. Ag russells cuts srv people will look (usaully) if they have time. Roger @ bayou lafourche will look them over if you request. New Graham knives will look them over for you.

There are other places that will if they can, you just have to ask. I rememeber I ordered the ebony/micarta camp knife from ag russell once. I asked the cust srv to look it over before shipping. They did and all of them had defetcs!!!!

It pays to ask!!!