The charm of my small Sebenza was that it was a real blade that was unobtrusive enough to be carried in business attire and incredibly well made. I work in sales, not installation and a knife on my belt wouldn't be appropriate in my work envrironment.
After prompting from you folks, I did a web search and found that Vegas has 14 Taxi companys. On the second call I found one that owns 4 of them and has a centralized lost & found. The woman I spoke with was very professional and seemed truly interested in helping me find my lost item. She then took a lost item report from me with a detailed description and all my contact info, also where I was picked up, where I was dropped off, time etc.. It was a little freaky as most people generally think of cab companies as somewhat sleazy and it seemed like I was geting good customer service. It seems that people leave a lot of stuff in cabs (I understand a small item that slips out of your pocket, but how do you forget your laptop case?). At least this group of Taxi companies have developed a system to try to deal with the situation in a positive way. I'll call the rest of them tomorrow.
The customer service rep did mention that they don't see a lot of lost pocket knives, so I have to believe that there are less folks carrying pocket knives than I thought, or when someone finds one, they tend to keep it (normal people don't understand that a pocket knife can be a sentimental item, a valuable item or both).
I doubt I'll ever see the lil Sebbie again. If I do, I'll be shocked, but I'll make the calls anyway. I think it would be really freaky if I ended up getting both knives lost in Las Vegas cabs back. That would be surreal.
In an interesting twist, I had posted a thread before leaving for the show asking wheather I should take the lil Sebbie, or the Benchmade 941D2CF I have. The replies were split, but I have to say that I think I'd have been even more bummed if I'd lost the 941D2CF. I made the decision to take the Sebbie partially out of guilt for having left it on the shelf for so long since getting the BM. I wanted to re-connect with the design and I think in a survival situation I'd rather have the small Sebbie but for every day cutting I really like the 941 design. When I'm in casual clothes where I don't to have to worry about appearances so much, I carry a Socom Elite, which I would miss in a second if it left my pocket because of the bulk.
If I choose to replace the small Sebenza, I'm torn between getting a used decorated BG42 model to carry as I'd always wished I got a decorated one originally, or getting a new unique decorated one with S30V and a Sapphire inlaid in the tooling hole. Of course for that much money I could probably get a custom JWS folder.....which is another issue entirely.
I guess I don't have to make a decision right away as we had a really great Xmas and a good time in Vegas even with the knife loss, so it's time to put the spending brakes on for a while.