Indy 1500 - March 14,15,16 - Update

Mar 26, 2000
I will be set up all 3 days.

The Busse "shop" gang will be at only the Saturday show, and should arrive around 1 or 2 p.m.

With the workload Jerry has made known, 3 days would be too much time to be gone from the shop.

I'm told there wil be some "unique" knives coming with the crew (no, no folder kids...).

Be there early for the best selection....
I will be there Saturday morning. Might be late to work! Got to see the crew, and if lucky I can pick up my Desert SK
Rumor has it that he only drinks Canadian CBL, that domestic swill, er um product, isn't up to par...
Hey Mike, FYI....Weather is supposed to be great...Around 65*
Can't wait. Come hell or the second coming, I'm buying some INFI this time!!
Cripes, I haven't heard anyone mention diasies in a long time. That is a bad thing though.

Hey BB, do you know if I am picking up my SK at Indy or should I look for it in my mailbox?
BB, I'll bring mine. ALready 'sposed to bring some funnels for Chuck, some Madonna imitation thing he has been dreamin about. Scares me...

Either way, it won't be a pretty sight. Probably all go blind....
You mean cones?!!!!

Shaggi and I are laughing at you right now!! Funnels??!!!!!!:D Now I'm bring my camera.......this would be good!! LOL!

Originally posted by Blade Babe
65??!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D I'm bringing my daisy dukes!!! LOL!!! Anybody else bringing theirs?!!!


Now I know bringing the Mrs. is going to be a mistake! :D
Uh Oh, may have to re-think on if this is the right time to bring my fiancee.......BB in Daisies:), Mike with "funnels" :eek:
BTW, is anybody bringing a camera so we can get some pics posted? They'll have to be taken outside though because no cameras are allowed inside.