Info please on knife carry laws in MA (also Asp batons)

Feb 24, 2001
I am looking for information for a friend regarding legal carry in Massachusetts. I know they're really restrictive, particularly about guns, but we want to know about knives and collapsible (Asp-type) batons. If one is carrying a Spyderco Delica in a back pocket, is that a problem if one is stopped by a cop? How about if an Asp baton is in a pocket? Or the baton is in a car console or door-pocket? Is this likely to get my buddy in trouble? I live in Florida so I don't have to contend with the b.s. MA laws... but HE lives in MA (I told him not to go...) and is used to the Florida liberal carry laws.

I have to wonder how many criminal attacks are stopped by the suffocating restrictions I read about on the NRA MA-state-law link... Do the constraints extend to our EDC knives and self-defense implements?

Thanks in advance for any info.
no problen with the delica but the ASP is LEO only no exceptions
Thanks for the help. Just reinforces for me that I was right in calling it foolish of my brother to move to that state, girl or no girl. :rolleyes:
Yup...Nazichussetts is without a doubt one of the most sheeple-friendly states I have ever lived in. Soon it will be a crime to defend yourself there...
Possessing (not carrying) an automatic knife, stun-gun / taser, pepper spray, ASP baton, Brass knuckles is a felony in the liberal bay state. In Canada possessing an ASP or carrying is completely legal, but the rest of them are only misdemeanors unlike MA (and I thought it was bad here :eek: )