Well I went and ordered my new Strider MH with green cord wrapped handle and tiger stripe finish as seen in American Handgunner. I can't wait for the knife to come in, 6 months, but when it does I'll be sure to give a review. Any other MH model owners out there to tell me what they think of theirs? Others have said they think $325 is alot for this knife but I've seen knives that wouldn't hold up to a tenth of the use or were just made different just to be different and turn out ugly and useless but they were made by "custom" knife makers so they charge much more than Strider. Does it make them worth it? I don't think so. This is a hard use knife and I can't wait to get it and use it.
[This message has been edited by Rob01 (edited 02-15-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Rob01 (edited 02-15-2000).]