Knife collector or accumulator?

Jan 4, 1999
Somebody who is involved in book collecting once stated that, to be a collector, one must have theme for their collection. A random selection of items is an accumulation, according to this person's definition. I suppose I have some of both. I collect Case Eisenhowers - a specific model and I collect Spyderco knives in general - a specific brand. I even have a collection of stag handled traditional pocket knives - a specific material. I guess these would be themes.

But I also have a drawerful of knives that I bought simply because I like them. An accumulation, I guess.

Are you a knife collector or an accumulator or both? Or how do you feel about the definitions of this book collector?
Using the "buy what you like" rationale, I "collect" knives I like.
Some could be seen as adhering to a particular style or pattern, but taken as a whole it's quite eclectic.

I don't think it matters how others define a "collection" or "accumulation". What matters is if the money you spend on your knives brings you pleasure. (Unless you're only in it for a financial return.)
I pretty much buy knives I want to use, knives whose performance potential intrigues me.

I do, however, seem to gravitate toward traditional styles, both folding and fixed.
I guess that I have one small collection, and one large accumulation!
I used to just buy every knife I liked and ended up with several thousand $'s worth of knives burning up in a house fire. So now I'm just trying to find the seven best (to me, at least) production folders to carry and use for each day of the week - money not being a factor. So, I'm not sure if my endeavor denotes a theme, or not.:confused:
I started out as an accumulator and became a collector, of sorts, along the way. I had a vast array of knives at one time, well over a hundred, but now have only a dozen or so! As an accumulator I collected the knives that had appeal to me without regard to any theme. About 6 to 7 months ago I picked up my first J.W. Smith folder, and my first Mike Obenauf folder. From that point on I had a theme! I got as high as 8 Smith's, 3 Obenaufs, and 2 Carson's. Since then I have sold some off in order to pay for others. Currently have 1 Smith, 1 Obenauf, 1 Brad Duncan, and 0 Carson's............pretty slim pickings I'd say. Of course I have 4 Smith's coming within the next month or so, 3 of them framelocks, and 1 is a special order variety. Also have another special order coming from Mike that is going to be a framelock, a Carson that Kit is making some slight changes on, and something new for me, a Marlowe that promises to be an exceptional knife.
I started out as an accumulator and became a collector, of sorts, along the way.

That is probably how it works for most people. Just collect what you like and over time, like a fractal, a pattern will begin to emerge. Then you can lay claim to having been ______ collector all along (although you may have only discovered it this morning).

I find it much more fun this way. You can enjoy everything and just passively allow the pattern to emerge. Just remember to sweep the extra knives under the rug when you display that fine collection of Trapper.

As mentioned above....The "buy what you like" rationale definitely comes into play. I consider myself a Collector but I have accumalated many different knives. I have a diverse collection and in following the "Theme" idea, well, I have a collection that has different distinct themes.
I have Traditional, Tactical, Stag, Custom, and Sentimental collections.
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I started years ago looking for a good carry knife. I found a Buck 110 and realy liked the feel for it. The more I learned about the company behind the knife, the more I wanted more Buck knives. Some other circumstances prevented me from "collecting" for a long period but I have, from my first 110, been a "BUCK PERSON." More recently I have been able to accumulate my collection. I started buying as many Bucks as I could find and afford -now I still buy more than I should but I, like otheres here, find myself leaning towards what I call "mini-collections" within my collection. The HTA Lightning Series - First Production Runs - Oddities and Prototypes - the Centennial Series, as well as anything I consider a prime EDC. To date, on hand, close to 200 individual knives, and more coming or on order.

If I need a "theme" to be considered a "collector" I guess its a BUCK thing !!
Would one have to own only Renoirs to be a collector of paintings, or would the odd Rembrandt, Manet, Monet, or Picasso be allowed?
I am a reforming accumulator. I am trimming my collection and focusing on the things I like the most. So I guess this would qualify my as a collector. I will continue to buy knives of all types that appeal to me; however I decided to pick up every David Winston knife I can find as well as every Microtech LCC variation I can find. I am just now starting to get rid of knives that I just bought to buy, instead of having a vested interest in. RGRAY was my inspiration with his awesome UDT collection. It only makes sense if you really like a specific model or style of knife that you go after that market.
I buy what appeals to me, that is my theme. I am therefore, a collector, having said that, I think that the person who wrote the definition we are talking about is not only an elitist snob, but wrong as well.
Originally posted by fudo
... I think that the person who wrote the definition we are talking about is not only an elitist snob, but wrong as well.
2 Points for fudo !!!! :D
I guess I do both. I started off accumulating anything I liked. Then I found what I really like, and that was Carson knives. More then Carson, it's the tactical/utility folders I really dig. So I guess now I collect custom tactical/utility folders. I also collect smaller hunter/skinner/utility fixed blades. Most of them have wood or micarta handles. I also accumulate others that don't fall into either category but I just liked them.

I guess I am neither..I am a USER ! All mine get used...
to me junk accumulates...knives gather ;)

I have only I thing in the safe that is a Queen . That is a Handgun that I purchased for my oldest son for when he is older ( Colt Series 70 Government ). Everything else in there gets used sometime during the month...they need to feel the love ! :D
I consider myself a collector that needs to 'organize' his accumulated knives. :rolleyes: I seem to only purchase knives that I like (fixed blades, lockbacks, slipjoints, miniatures, etc.) & that are different configurations (warncliffe, clip point, drop point, etc.) & have different handle materials (amboyna, stag, any kind of burl, etc.). My God! I just realized my 'theme' to collecting is collect everything! :confused: