Kosovo Green Beret again

Mar 2, 2003
First of all to all forum members, I really want to thank you for your support and words of encouragment in the replies to my last post (new knives for an old green beret).

Secondly, to Jerry, Did you recieve my package yet-I am curious if it made it thru customs?

Still waiting on my BUsse knives, hope they get here soon as I really need them. For all you hogs, I ordered a NO, AS, PH, and a few other things. There goes part of my per diem check!! Well, after one year back on active duty and service in Afghanistan, Kuwait, and now Kosovo I guess I needed to reward myself.

Well, look forward to being a regular member of this forum in the future and will post some picts when I get my knives (along with some weapon photos that I am sure you guys will drool over) (don't worry nothing classified and sorry no team photos! : (

God BLess, Ranger288
(By the way incase you are wondering my forum name represents my old Ranger School class number: 2-88) ( I am now an 18C MOS) Oh and Hello Blade Babe-Maybe I will have to send you some special photos and a gift-Hey, I am a lonely, single soldier, what do you expect! he he he he ;)

Got it on Friday!!!!! It was in one piece too!!!! :eek: :cool:

I convinced Blade Babe that the blue sheet was a traditional Kosovian dress and was intended for her as a gift. She wore it for half the day before we told her that it was a joke!!!! . . . just kidding Kassi!!!. . . (not really) ;)

You should be knee deep in INFI fairly soon. . . .

We look forward to your pics!

288, thank you for your service to our country.

Hope to see you here frequently, and for a long time man.

Watch your 6 bro.

I second WTF's post!!!!!:D

I also thank you for your service to our country!!!!:)

Be Safe!:)

Well hello there Ranger!!!! You make sure you come home, safe and sound, that way I can make sure you are no longer lonely or single!! ;) (DN moved onto cheerleaders and I moved onto SOLDIERS!!!)

Jerry actually did try to convince me that it was a traditional dress intended for me. Too bad I know Jerry too well for that one!! LOL!!

Ranger, Make sure you call the shop if you have any questions!!;)


P.S. I would love to see more pics!!!!
God bless you and your team Ranger!!!

I don't know whether you have heard about some of the adopt-a-soldier programs like HUGS TO KUWAIT but they have been getting some good pub in the news. I saw HTK on Fox news and they are getting so much email response from Americans wanting to adopt a soldier that my emails keep coming back and it is being run by some wives and family back home who can only vett, match and respond to all the email requests so fast ( heck, they already have to play single parent while their spouses serve our country!)

Maybe the Busse owners association/collectors club could adopt you and your team and send over some care packages for you guys. You could let us know what you guys need/want and we will hook you up with it from state side. I know we don't want to post names and locations on the web, but maybe we could have people who want to participate email Jerry for an address to ship to you guys and Busse Combat could email to you email addresses of us INFIholics who want to participate and you and your team could either email lists of stuff you want or just post it here on the forums.

I know I just volunteered Jerry as the middle man (and he just posted the other day he needed help backing up his email because it was clogged with ~17,000 emails :eek: ) so I don't know, maybe there's a better way (like making Eric Isaacson the middle man and trying to clog up HIS email with 17,000 emails :rolleyes: ) But I think it would be VERY COOL if all of us forumite Busse zealots got together to adopt Ranger288 and his team!

Whadya think INFIhogs?!?!
Thanks so much for the suppport!
utmts4me, I really appreciate your adopt a soldier idea. It is very kind of you. Actually, you would not beleive all the care packages we get from family and freinds already. Actually there is a church in colorado that somewhat has adopted my team and company and sends us care packages. Actually, we are doing ok in terms of supplies. What is needed most is your prayer and support back home. And reading emails on this forum or to my own email address are what takes away the boredom between missions. Being a soldier is 75% boredom 25% terror ;)
Well, anyway, if you want to write to me, my other email address is:


or if you are interested in mailing me my address (Which is not classified is:

Chad Williams
Camp Montieth
APO AE 09340

From this location my mail is forwarded to where I am staying. Thanks again.

Non Classified update from my area: (was in msnbc news) Two terrorist were killed last week and found with 50 kg of explosives (possible target was a bus). THe world is a real crazy place.

Hey, if any of you are interested in international adventure travel or wilderness survival/travel advice-stories, I would be glad to give you my $.02 if you email me!
Good luck to you, and may God be with you. Thank you for defending us all.