LA Knife Stores?

Plaza Cutlery at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa

It's not in LA county but it's really close and is definitely worth a visit. There are others, but Plaza is, by far, the best.

There is a gun store with an odd name in Century City near 10 and 405 if you are going to be in the West LA area, let me know and I'll look it up.

They have lots of customs and all the usual Benchmade and Spyderco stuff. Their prices are pretty good, especially for a retail store. They have the Chris Reeve stuff $20 cheaper than anywhere I've ever seen online and the Chris Reeve Unfaam is only $199, it's almost $100 more anywhere mail order. They also have the Emerson production line in stock, too.


Doug Mason may be thinking of this gun store.

Martin B. Retting, Inc.
11029 Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

They have a bunch of interesting used guns too.

B&B also has a store in Orange County, though it isn't as big as the North Hollywood store. (South of the 405 on Golden West Blvd.)

Have fun,
Pony Express Gun Shop in the Valley by Van Nuys Airport has a lot of beautiful custom knives. Last time I was in B&B, they had very few knives.

Ron Ruppé